Thursday, October 17, 2024

Massachusetts Offers Illegals Free Flights to Leave the State

'I want to be clear, particularly to people outside of Massachusetts who may have gotten word that this is a place to come, that we do not have room here in Massachusetts...'

(Headline USAMassachusetts announced this week that it was offering illegal immigrants free flights out of the state as it deals with overflowing homeless shelters.

The state has right-to-shelter policies in place that require illegals to be given a maximum 30-day stay with an option to reapply. But the state’s shelters have become so overwhelmed by the influx of Biden border-hoppers that Massachusetts officials are now rolling out additional restrictions.

Starting Aug. 1, “temporary respite centers” in the state will have a five-day stay limit. 

Shelters will also start giving priority to Massachusetts families with a newborn baby, a veteran, or someone with a significant medical issue, according to the Boston Globe.

Officials have also started sending out 90-day eviction notices to push illegal immigrant families out of the state-run centers by Sept. 29. There are currently 300 families living in the shelters, according to Democrat Gov. Maura Healey’s office.

Those evicted and all other migrants looking for shelter elsewhere will be eligible for a new “reticketing” program, which will cover the airfare and travel expenses for illegals leaving the state.

“I want to be clear, particularly to people outside of Massachusetts who may have gotten word that this is a place to come, that we do not have room here in Massachusetts,” Healey said on Tuesday.

“We’ve also offered them the alternative path that they may wish to go to family members or ones they know elsewhere, communities elsewhere in the country, and I think that is a humane and appropriate thing to do,” she added, ignoring the fact that doing so would simply shift the burden onto another state or locality.

Healey also defended the new five-day stay limit, arguing it was “in line with the policies of other cities facing similar challenges as Massachusetts, and will help give families some relief for a few days while they access the diversion services we can provide, such as reticketing.”

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