Thursday, October 17, 2024

Trump Predicted Secret Service DEI Disaster 10 Years Ago

'The woman who is the Secret Service Director looks like she is way over her head...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Saturday’s bumbling performance by Donald Trump’s Secret Service detail would have been comical if it didn’t result in the death of a firefighter, the hospitalization of two others and the near death of the presidential frontrunner.

Nevertheless, the female Secret Service agents have been panned for their Keystone Cop-like performance. One woman agent appeared to have trouble even holstering her gun, while another was pictured seemingly hiding behind Trump when other agents were shielding him.

Numerous observers have blamed the federal government’s diversity, equity and inclusion policies for how those women became agents in the first place.

It turns out, Trump predicated such a situation 10 years ago on Twitter.

“The woman who is the Secret Service Director looks like she is way over her head. Why can’t the president appoint the best and the brightest?” Trump tweeted on Oct. 1, 2014, referring to then-director Julia Pierson—who was replaced on the day of Trump’s tweet by Joseph Clancy, according to Wikipedia.

Trump’s 10-year-old post recirculated Thursday, the same day Yahoo News reported more details of the Secret Service’s DEI policies.

According to Yahoo, the executive director of the Secret Services’ Office of Equity, Loucious Hires III,  on the official government podcast “Standing Post” in February 2023. The agency said at the time that it was striving to be the “gold standard” of DEI in a recruitment brochure that same year.

During the podcast, Hires reportedly outlined how every action at the Secret Service should be informed by DEI. He reportedly claimed the ideology makes the organization stronger. Every employee should consider how every action is reflective of equity, according to the director, as reported by Yahoo.

“I could talk on and on what the agency is doing to promote diversity, equity and inclusion… DEI is every action every day. So the opportunity for improvement for every employee within the Secret Service is to ask themselves, ‘What action are you doing every day?’” Hires reportedly said.

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is set to testify about her agency’s dramatic failures this Monday before the House Oversight Committee.

DEI critics noticed that Trump has been exclusively surrounded by male-only Secret Service agents when he attended the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee this week.

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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