Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ex-Baltimore Prosecutor Seeks Biden Pardon from 40-Yr. Sentence

'If they can do this to Marilyn Mosby, who had the audacity to challenge the status quo, they can do this to anybody...'

(Molly BrunsHeadline USA) Marilyn Mosby, former district attorney of Baltimore, Maryland, has requested a preemptive presidential pardon after receiving charges for perjury and mortgage fraud.

A jury found Mosby guilty last November of illegally withdrawing funds from her city retirement and lying on a mortgage application in order to purchase a home in Florida with the retirement withdrawals.

On her mortgage application, she included a $5,000 gift she claimed she received from her husband in order to secure a lower interest rate. Investigations revealed that she sent the money to her husband, who then sent it back to her in an attempt to trick creditors.

She faces up to 40 years in prison.

Mosby, 44, appeared on MSNBC for an interview with Joy Reid, where she insisted she did “absolutely nothing wrong, nothing illegal, nothing criminal,” and claimed a pardon from President Joe Biden would be “appropriate.”

She also argued that the charges are a “political attack” against her and her far-left, soft-on-crime politics that led to soaring crime in the city of Baltimore.

“I want this justice system that I fought so hard to equalize and to balance the scales of justice, where the business model is based off the backs of black and brown people… for the people that I fought for to understand and recognize that I need them to fight for me…” she said. “If they can do this to Marilyn Mosby, who had the audacity to challenge the status quo, they can do this to anybody.”

Mosby’s supporters started a petition to get a pardon from President Biden; however, she has not submitted an application to the Office of the Pardon Attorney, which reviews cases and makes pardon recommendations to the president.

Mosby is set to receive her sentence on May 23.

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