Monday, September 16, 2024

Black Congressman Offended Biden Said GOP’s Filibuster Fight Worse than Jim Crow

'Jim Crow might not mean anything to President Biden, considering he joined segregationists...'

Black Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fl., on Friday accused President Joe Biden of “irresponsibly injecting race” into the conversation about voting reform and the elimination of the filibuster, Fox News reported.

In a press release, Donalds showed the hypocrisy at the core of Biden’s opposition to the filibuster.

“In 2005, then Sen. Biden said, ‘at its core, the filibuster is not about stopping a nominee or a bill; it is about compromise and moderation. That is why the Founder put unlimited debate in. That is what it is about, engendering compromise and moderation.'”

“Fast-forward to today, and now President Biden is irresponsibly injecting race and the travesty of Jim Crow to oppose the filibuster,” Donalds said. “Time after time, Democrats resort to the race card to shield them from having to answer for their hypocrisy and radical policies.”

Donalds also mentioned Biden’s good relationship with Southern segregationists during his early years in Congress.

“Jim Crow might not mean anything to President Biden, considering he joined segregationists in opposing bussing and eulogized known racists like Robert Byrd, but that dark stain on our republic is personal to me and many Black Americans like me,” he said.

Biden called Republican efforts to sustain the filibuster and prevent the passage of H.R. 1 “Jim Eagle,” an awkward comparison with Jim Crow voting restrictions.

He argued that the Republican filibuster tops Jim Crow laws in its harm to minorities, thus making earlier voting requirements “Jim Eagle.”

“I’m convinced that we’ll be able to stop this, because it is the most pernicious thing—this makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle,” Biden said. “This is gigantic what they’re trying to do and it cannot be sustained.”

Republicans want to preserve America’s traditional voting practices: voting on a single day, with limited exceptions, after showing photo identification.

Democrats, however, want weeks or months of mail-in voting without photo ID verification or chain-of-custody procedures. Limitless voter fraud will ensure the party’s continued success in federal elections.

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