Saturday, September 28, 2024

WaPo Repeatedly Calls Out Biden’s Coronavirus Lies

‘The blatant way the Biden camp isolated [Trump’s] remarks about the American Dream pushed us to Four Pinocchios…’

Kamala Harris Awarded 'Four Pinocchios' For Dishonest Claim About Trump's Tax Cut(Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Joe Biden has a problem telling the truth about the Wuhan virus and President Donald Trump.

But it’s not the Trump administration, Fox News, or the president’s reelection campaign that’s confronting him about it.

It’s the Washington Post.

The Jeff Bezos-owned “resistance” newspaper has been an intense critic of Trump, even publishing leaked classified information over the past three years to advance the false notion that Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

But not even the Post can abide Biden’s disinformation.

The former vice president and presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee has been mostly missing in action during the Wuhan virus emergency. His public appearances have been limited to one online press conference a week where he answers only a few selected questions, and occasional media appearances from his home.

First, Biden received “Four Pinocchios” from Post fact-checkers, the highest dishonesty rating, for a video purporting to show Trump calling the coronavirus a hoax.

“The video shows a montage of intentionally unflattering clips of President Trump,” the fact-check says, adding, “At the 10-second mark, the camera shows a tight shot of the president saying ‘coronavirus’ and then cuts to a wide shot where he says, ‘this is their new hoax.’”

In truth, the video was intentionally spliced to put the words “coronavirus” and “hoax” together.

“Ultimately, the seriousness of the coronavirus outbreak, the fact that Trump had clarified his comments on the matter before the ad was released, and the blatant way the Biden camp isolated his remarks about the American Dream pushed us to Four Pinocchios,” the Post said.

Separately, Biden received “Three Pinocchios” for claiming the Trump administration failed to even try to get U.S. infectious disease experts into China during the initial Wuhan outbreak.

“Early on in this crisis, I said, among others, that you know you should get into China and get our experts there,” Biden told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “There was no effort to do that.”

But that was also false. White House National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien was on record saying that the administration had tried multiple times to send CDC and other US medical and public health officials to China, but they were stonewalled.

The Post explained that the effort came from “the presidential level.”

Biden received yet another “Four Pinocchios” when a top Biden advisor, speaking on his behalf, said that President Trump had “silenced” a senior CDC official from talking about the virus.

“Far from being silenced, [the CDC official] kept doing her telephone briefings with reporters — on Feb. 28, Feb. 29, March 3 and March 9,” the paper reported. “She also appeared in four videos shared on social media, such as this one from March 14.”

Attention-Starved Dem. Candidate Seeks COVID Policy Meeting w/ Trump
Joe Biden / IMAGE: Biden for President via AP

Biden has also said that the Trump administration eliminated the “Obama-Biden administration” National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, which would have helped prepare for the coronavirus pandemic.

“Donald Trump eliminated it — and now we’re paying the price,” he said.

But that’s also false.

“The office — as set up by Obama — was folded into another office,” the Post reported. “The staff slots did not disappear.

Even PolitiFact has confronted Biden. The normally anti-Trump “fact-checker” recently took issue with Biden’s claim that the Trump administration rejected WHO coronavirus test kits.

“We refused them. We did not want to buy them,” he told CNN.

However, a WHO spokesperson said, “No discussions have occurred between WHO and CDC about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the United States.”

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