Saturday, September 7, 2024

Dems, Media Rage After Trump Uses Cop-Killing Illegal in Attack Ad

‘I will break out soon, and I will kill more…’

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In the closing week of the midterm election campaign, President Donald Trump left liberals seething over a simple ad, which he shared on Twitter.

The ad, running only 53 seconds, featured unrepentant, cop-killing illegal immigrant Luis Bracamontes in his own words with no voice-over.

“I will break out soon, and I will kill more,” Bracamontes said.

The Bracamontes case was one of several high-profile murders Trump has highlighted involving illegal immigrants, who disproportionately commit dangerous crimes. Entire organizations are dedicated simply to documenting the reported cases of violent assaults and rapes among illegals, aided and abetted by the liberal policies of sanctuary cities that defy federal rule of law in providing safe harbor.

Following the August murder of Mollie Tibbetts, Sen. Elizabeth Warren deflected on the scourge of non-citizen crime by saying Americans needed to refocus on “real problems,” like releasing into the population those whom immigration authorities had succeeded in detaining at the border.

Nonetheless, in a campaign season fraught with finger-pointing over the escalation of tension, fear-mongering, heated rhetoric and violence from every angle, Trump’s ad ignited yet another firestorm in the liberal media.

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo—brother of current New York governor and likely presidential contender Andrew—devoted a segment 9.5 times the length of the actual ad to discussing it with Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez.

The segment doubled as a campaign spot for Perez, who made sure to squeeze in talking points about the Left’s cause célèbre, the preservation of Obamacare entitlements, before circling back around to addressing the immigration issue.

Perez said it was typical of Trump’s divisiveness and distraction. “His dog whistle of all dog whistles is immigration. This has been Donald Trump’s playbook for so long—and you know what, when they go low, we go vote.”

The outrage followed a week in which Democrats attempted to paint Trump and his voter base as unhinged lunatics and relate them to two acts of terrorism pinned on right-wing extremists, all while many prominent party leaders on the Left egged on violence and promised further instances of incivility and collateral damage.

Two days earlier, in a discussion with Cuomo, fellow CNN anchor Don Lemon said, “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”

Perez seemed to take it a step farther, even blaming Trump for the crimes committed by illegal immigrants, which he suggested were part and parcel with the previous week’s headlines.

“When you create a climate—as this president has created—that invites violent acts, you should never be surprised when you have violent acts.”

Perez bragged about having been involved with creating immigration reform under President Barack Obama, whose divisive rhetoric led to race riots and police killings in cities like Ferguson, Mo.; Baltimore, Md.; Baton Rouge, La.; and Dallas, Texas—along with perennial riots in places like Berkeley and Oakland, Calif.

Noting that Republicans had wrested control of all branches of government from the Obama-era Democrats in 2016, Perez said any immigration problems were the GOP’s fault. “They own any failure in these policies right now.”

However, it was 2014, on Obama’s watch, when Bracamontes killed two Sacramento, Calif. sheriff’s deputies in cold blood, shooting Deputy Danny Oliver in the head and driving over his body in an attempt to flee, and later killing Detective Michael Davis after a rampage that included carjacking and shooting an innocent bystander five times—three in the face.

Ironically, after trying to pin immigration problems on Trump, Perez tried to downplay the current immigration threat by pointing out that under Trump’s watch, in fiscal year 2016-17, illegal border crossings had dropped to their lowest level since the 1970s.

Following Cuomo’s show, Lemon also weighed in on his program, calling the ad a “blatantly racist appeal … that shows you just how willing [Trump] is to use lies and scare tactics to terrify his base.”

Other anti-Trumpists also attacked it, with departing Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake calling it a “new low in campaigning” and Clinton-era Treasury Secretary Robert Reich saying “This may be the most desperate and vile ad since Willie Horton.”

Many in the media echo chamber picked up on the Horton comparison, referencing the attack ad used by then-Vice President George H.W. Bush in 1988 to portray opponent Michael Dukakis as being soft on crime.

Four years later, in Bush’s losing campaign to Bill Clinton, future First Lady Hillary Clinton, referred to violent black criminals as “super predators,” drawing criticism from some during her own presidential run.

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