Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Corrupt UN Refugee Org Trying to Forcibly Rewrite American Asylum Laws

‘Their active participation in our refugee program is a threat to our sovereignty, an obfuscation in our screening process, and a serious detriment to our refugee program…’

Caravan Migrants Demand Entry into America, an End to Deportation, and Reparations
IMAGE: The Daily Mail via Youtube

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) An immigration watchdog organization says the United Nations High Commission for Refugees is increasingly inserting itself into Central American migration issues—and the United States is letting it.

The research from the Immigration Reform Law Institute follows closely on the heels of an NBC News report that corrupt UNHCR officials had sold resettlement recommendations to the highest bidder in five African and Middle Eastern countries.

IRLI said the U.N. agency has dispatched more than 45 staffers to Mexico in an effort to force the United States to comply with its globalist resettlement agenda under the guise of humanitarian relief.

It is demanding that the U.S. accept asylum-seekers’ claims for reasons such as drug and gang violence, corruption, poverty and exclusion—even though none are considered a valid basis for asylum under U.S. law.

According to a press release from IRLI, UNHCR spokesman Charlie Yaxley called President Donald Trump’s threat to close off the southern border unacceptable.

“We wish to reiterate and underline that any individuals within that group that are fleeing persecution and violence, they need to be given access to the territory,” Yaxley said, “and they need to be allowed to exercise their fundamental rights to seek asylum and have access to refugee status determination procedures.”

Current U.N. Secretary–General António Guterres has openly stated his objective to expand the definition of asylum to include not only those being actively persecuted, but also “victims” of war and other types of violence, as well as natural disasters, and even climate-change.

He proposed creating a new category of refugee eligibility under the recently established Nansen Initiative.

Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI said the idea that the Trump administration would yield its sovereignty by capitulating to the U.N.’s agenda was a troubling prospect.

“Think about this, the United States is paying the UNHCR to screen and refer migrants for resettlement in the United States, who don’t meet the U.S. legal definition of a refugee, and then try to mandate how many migrants we should allow into our country,” Wilcox said.

Although turmoil has surrounded the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to evaluate the flood of claims given limited resources, the UNHCR’s supposed help would likely make things worse, he added.

“There are no legal requirements nor any advantages to allow the UNHCR to continue to make refugee status determinations or play any role in processing and screening applicants desiring to resettle in the United States,” Wilcox said.

“Their active participation in our refugee program is a threat to our sovereignty, an obfuscation in our screening process, and a serious detriment to our refugee program.”

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