Tuesday, October 1, 2024

U of Fla. Forced Students to Make ‘Statement of Privilege’ on Race, Sexuality

One of those resources includes a link to a fundraiser for Black Lives Matter rioters...

(Headline USA) The University of Florida College of Education requires students to make a “statement of privilege” about their race, sexuality and educational experiences, effectively embedding leftist dogma in the collegiate experience.

The statement is one of the course requirements for a class on “History of Education in the U.S.,” and is worth 10% of students’ grades, according to Campus Reform.

The course description says it “explores how issues of race, class, gender, exceptionality, sexual identity, language, geography, and religion have historicall impacted U.S. education.” The class’s professor, Carolyn Silva, encouraged students to embrace and “promote antiracist education,” and included resources that “uplift” black communities. One of those resources includes a link to a fundraiser for Black Lives Matter rioters.

Some of the mandatory readings required for the course critiqued “white privilege” and argued white students have avoided “critical discussions of race their whole lives before college.”

Silva told students that their “positionality” is important, suggesting that people are a combination of their race, sexuality, gender and other “layers.” This “positionality” is what forms a person’s beliefs and ideas, she reportedly claimed.

”I was shocked to find out that the class that was supposed to be about the history of the education system was more focused on telling me how different minority communities have been oppressed by our government,” an anonymous student said.

“Yes, our nation has several pieces of terrible history that we should learn about, but I felt like my knowledge of the education system did not grow at all,” the student continued.

The report comes a few months after Florida passed House Bill 7, which took effect in July and prohibits the teaching of content in the state that “espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels” an individual to believe that certain concepts “constitute discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin.”

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