Thursday, October 17, 2024

Treasonous VA Officials Say They Won’t Comply w/ Bill to Protect Veterans’ 2A Rights

'You’re willing to do what your boss tells you to do, even if it violates veterans’ rights. You should do some soul-searching, sir...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Congress is mulling legislation that would limit bureaucrats from using “red flag laws” to confiscate veterans’ guns, along with bolstering the rights of 261,168 veterans disarmed by such laws.

Specifically, legislation discussed Wednesday in the House Veterans Affairs Committee would require the Department of Veterans Affairs to take steps to have records deleted that were provided to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

However, even if Congress passes the pro-Second Amendment legislation, top VA officials told lawmakers Wednesday that they won’t enforce it.

“This bill, the Veterans 2nd Amendment Restoration Act, would require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to notify the Attorney General that VA’s reporting of incompetent beneficiaries ‘was improper under the law because such individuals were not adjudicated as a mental defective under 18 U.S.C. 922(g).’ VA’s reporting was not improper,” said the written testimony submitted on behalf of four top VA officials.

“This bill would thus require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to erroneously notify the Attorney General that it erred by reporting incompetent beneficiaries to NICS. VA did not err; if this bill is passed into law, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs could not comply,” the written testimony reiterated.

GOP lawmakers were stunned by the VA’s brazen testimony.

“Is it your position that you won’t comply with an act of law passed by Congress?” Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mt., asked, to which VA senior official Kevin Friel responded: “Yes, I guess based off of what you have in written testimony, yes sir.”

“Well, I guess I’m glad we have that on record,” Rosendale remarked, accusing Friel of incriminating himself.

Rep. Eli Crane, R-Ariz., had a blistering response to the VA’s treasonous posturing.

“Where is your loyalty, sir? Is it to the Constitution or is it to your boss?” he asked. “You’re willing to do what your boss tells you to do, even if it violates veterans’ rights. You should do some soul-searching, sir.”

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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