Thursday, October 3, 2024

Growing Number of Teachers Push Back Against Vax Mandates

"We’ve been telling everybody to make the school fire you. Don’t quit. If they’re going to do this, make them do it..."

(Headline USA) Some of the biggest school systems in the U.S. are taking a hard line with teachers and staff members who are not yet vaccinated against COVID-19: Get a jab or lose your job.

But the policies have sparked protests from educators and, in some cases, push-back from local district leaders who fear large numbers of departures.

In Oregon, where school staffers statewide are required to be vaccinated, the board for the 7,500-student district of Redmond last week passed a resolution protesting the mandate after hearing from teachers who are opposed.

“This could do serious damage to the other mandate that we have, which is to provide excellent education to the children and the families of our district,” board member Michael Summers said. “We’re attempting to speak for people.”

Teachers in many school districts with vaccine requirements can opt out as long as they submit to regular testing for the coronavirus, but New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago and St. Louis are among a growing list of places that are limiting exemptions to bona fide medical and religious reasons. Washington and Oregon have adopted similarly draconian vaccination policies statewide.

As a new school year begins, governments are attempting—in spite of, or perhaps because of the resistance—to take a harder line on vaccinations.

It comes alongside parallel mask mandates that are also pitting children and parents against leftist policymakers who want to force all students and staff to wear masks throughout the entire school day.

Coronavirus vaccines are not yet available to children younger than 12.

“This is to ensure that the children we all cherish are safe, that their families are reassured,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, said last week.

At least 28% of the 75,000 public school teachers in New York City have refused, thus far, to receive the vaccine.

Science indicates a low occurrence of transmission among children and an almost negligible risk of severe illness or death, barring prior conditions such as autoimmune diseases. Only about 400 of America’s 600,000 COVID deaths (0.07%) have been children.

The science suggests that developing COVID as a child might actually be a step toward achieving herd-immunity through natural means, similar to the way some people host chicken-pox parties.

Regardless, power-tripping bureaucrats have insisted that the number of cases and the minuscule risk factors offer sufficient justification for their overreach into citizens’ personal lives and civil liberties.

Underscoring the risks of infection in classrooms, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presented a case study in its weekly report Friday detailing how an unvaccinated teacher in Marin County, California, north of San Francisco, spread the virus to 22 of the instructor’s 24 students at school. The CDC said the teacher sometimes read aloud to the students while unmasked.

Some school staff members who have held off on getting vaccinated say they would leave their jobs before taking the shots.

Marlene Washington, an elementary school teachers in New York City, said as she protested de Blasio’s order outside City Hall last week that she is considering retirement after two decades in the classroom. She said she questions the long-term safety of the vaccines.

“I’m still undecided about what to do,” said Washington, 62. “But I do know that I’m not taking the vaccine.”

Kiara Coleman, a food service worker for Philadelphia schools, said she isn’t budging despite uncertainty over the consequences of refusing a vaccine.

“I’ll just have to cross that bridge when I find out more details of the mandate. I would hate to throw away all that time I have with the schools,” said Coleman, who said she has concerns about potential long term effects of vaccines.

While teachers unions including the United Federation of Teachers, which represents New York City teachers, have supported the no-opt out rules for vaccines, they also advocate on behalf of dissenting members in negotiations with the city.

Some of those talks focus on severance packages for those who leave their jobs and leaves of absences that could allow some teachers to return once the public health crisis passes.

“We will represent them and we will protect their interests. But there is a deep disagreement here,” said Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, the parent organization of the New York City teachers union.

“At the end of the day, employers have the right to impose these kinds of vaccination policies and they will do that,” she claimed.

Protestors swarmed the statehouse in Olympia, Washington, when Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, announced teachers would have until Oct. 18 to be fully vaccinated or face firing.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat, moved toward mandatory vaccinations as COVID-19 hospitalizations have surged nearly 1,000% since early July.

About 700 teachers have contacted the Freedom Foundation, a conservative legal watchdog that has represented businesses cited for violating COVID-19 restrictions in Oregon and elsewhere and has opposed school closures.

The teachers are seeking guidance on what to do if they don’t want to get the vaccine and feel “completely betrayed,” said Jason Dudash, the group’s Oregon director.

“We’ve been telling everybody to make the school fire you,” Dudash said. “Don’t quit. If they’re going to do this, make them do it.”

A 675-student district in central Oregon delayed the start of school three weeks until Sept. 20 to deal with the fallout from the vaccine mandate, Culver School District Superintendent Stefanie Garber said in a letter to families.

She said her district will comply but feels state officials are threatening unreasonable penalties, including the possible loss of a district’s liability insurance and the revocation of teachers’ licenses.

In another small, rural town, a district-sponsored vaccine clinic set up after Brown’s vaccine mandate attracted fewer than 10 teachers and there is concern about staffing if some decide to leave rather than get the shots, said Lebanon Community School District Superintendent Bo Yates.

Yates estimated that between 50% and 60% of the teachers and staff in his 4,000-student district are vaccinated. Several dozen teachers and their supporters protested the mandate last week.

“In a certain sense, I empathize with them because some of the people that are protesting have been our superstars during this COVID period. They’ve been the food service workers that have been feeding our community on a nonstop basis or our bus drivers,” Yates said. “But we’ve got to follow the mandates that we’re given or we’ll be swimming in this sea forever.”

In Redmond, Oregon, the school board resolution protesting the vaccine mandate passed on a 3-2 vote. The district will comply with the vaccine mandate as it fights to regain local control of decisions around mask-wearing and vaccines in schools, board members said.

One board member who voted against the resolution, Liz Goodrich, noted COVID-19 is surging in central Oregon and only 57% of eligible residents in Redmond are fully vaccinated.

“To me, local conditions are not good and we have heard over and over,” she said, “that the spike of this delta variant is not done.”

Adapted from reporting by the Associated Press

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