Monday, June 17, 2024

Taliban Threatens to Flood Europe, U.S. w/ Migrants

'Some foreign affairs experts and political analysts are concerned the situation could be even worse, expressing worries that potential terrorists might be embedded in any wave of Afghan migrants swarming Western countries...'

In the wake of the disastrous American withdrawal from Afghanistan, the middle-eastern nation faces a crisis as winter approaches and Western nations refuse to allow aid money through, Just the News reported.

In light of this crisis, the Taliban has threatened the U.S. and other Western nations, claiming that if its frozen funds aren’t surrendered, they will release a wave of Afghan migrants.

“Europe is going to be affected most severely, if Afghanistan does not get access to this money,” said Afghan Central Bank board member Shah Mehrabi.

“You will have a double whammy of not being able to find bread and not being able to afford it. People will be desperate,” Mehrabi said. “They are going to go to Europe.”

Some foreign affairs experts and political analysts are concerned the situation could be even worse, expressing worries that potential terrorists might be embedded in any wave of Afghan migrants swarming Western countries, according to Just the News.

Instead of direct military operations, it seems that the new global strategy is to suffocate the Taliban using the centralized levers of global finance.

According to a Word Bank report, most of Afghanistan’s holdings — 9.5 million dollars — are frozen by the U.S. Treasury Department in the New York Federal Reserve.

And Western nations have seemingly decided to use the nation’s money as leverage against the Taliban.

“Total reserves comprise holdings of monetary gold, special drawing rights, reserves of IMF [International Monetary Fund] members held by the IMF, and holdings of foreign exchange under the control of monetary authorities,” the World Bank wrote.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have both elected to withhold money from the nation. According to the IMF, it is “guided by the views of the international community.”

“There is currently a lack of clarity within the international community regarding recognition of a government in Afghanistan, as a consequence of which the country cannot access the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) or other IMF resources,” the bankers added.

The leaders of Afghanistan have not been amused. According to the nation’s Finance Ministry spokesperson Ahmad Wali Haqmal, “the money belongs to the Afghan nation.”

“Just give us our own money. Freezing this money is unethical and is against all international laws and values,” he added.

But the global elites believe that they have the Taliban cornered, as they prepare to send Afghan immigrants into nations across the West.

“Afghanistan is now among the world’s worst humanitarian crises — if not the worst — and food security has all but collapsed,” said WFP Executive Director David Beasley. “We are on a countdown to catastrophe, and if we don’t act now, we will have a total disaster on our hands.”

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