Friday, March 28, 2025

SELLERS: Doubling-Down on Corruption—Investment Tips for the Biden Stock Market

'In a funny way, it's just like in markets, that if I weren't there---of course, I wasn't doing it---but somebody else would...'

Author’s note: I am not a professional trader, nor do I even possess an above average amount of knowledge about the financial industry. Follow the investment tips below at your own risk.

When President Donald Trump’s first round of multi-trillion-dollar coronavirus tax rebates arrived, I was fortunate enough to be in a position where it was pure gravy.

My expenses (including the skyrocketing costs of a public healthcare option) were rising, but the biggest area of need for me was fluid investments in case of impending disaster—and with the markets having just bottomed out, the time seemed ideal to sow the seeds of future prosperity.

Learning the Ropes

My early investments were fairly rudimentary—but, in hindsight, there were a few missed opportunities along the way.

I briefly flirted with vaccine companies like Moderna and Pfizer but couldn’t deal with the uncertainty.

Ditto for lockdown-friendly investments like Zoom, which proved a regular roller-coaster ride as they fine-tuned their products to meet mass demand.

I signed up for a Bitcoin exchange, but I remain oblivious to the logistics of a cyber-currency—and wary of who controls all the levers (as if the currency-regulating Federal Reserve weren’t shady enough).

And I largely avoided the so-called FAANG companies—the traditional tech blue chips of Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google—not only due to my disdain for their increasingly aggressive political influence, but also their stocks’ steep price-tags.

Of course, it would be remiss of me not to mention my investment in precious metals. In particular, my favorite keepsakes were Trump silver rounds and “Don’t Tread on Me” silver rounds—the latter featuring the iconic snake from the Gadsden flag. But I bought those more for financial protection—to hold their value—than as an investment.

A Shift in Strategy

After the outcome of the bitterly disputed 2020 election came more into focus, I became increasingly worried about the prospects that lay ahead for my sputtering portfolio.

I had grown frustrated with seeing some of my early investments, like Moderna, take off only after I had unloaded them.

However, I had seen just enough success in biomedical investments to keep pursuing them—including Abbott Laboratories, which makes antibody tests, and Lonza, one of the companies partnering with Moderna to produce the vaccine.

Moreover, I was lucky enough to get in early on two companies that are at the forefront of gene therapies: Editas and CRISPR. Initially, they caught my eye due to their cutting-edge COVID research, and when CRISPR’s founders won the Nobel Prize in medicine, I knew I was onto something. But for now, their meteoric rise seems to be tapering off, making them a less reliable investment strategy.

After giving up early on 3M, I also invested in McKesson Corp., one of the emerging leaders in personal-protective equipment such as masks, and in Aramark, which seems poised to play a big role in the effort to support soon-to-be-reopening schools with their COVID-protection needs.

I had learned two things, which seem obvious in retrospect: 1) Buy in on companies before the buzz, and 2) Don’t sell off at the first sign of trouble if you’re confident in your research and your information.

With that in mind, I turned my attention to the sea-change of policies that would be implemented under a Democrat administration, even though they were not yet on the Wall Street radar.

Below is an overview of the areas where I am now shifting my focus, and the often sinister reasons for thinking they might have a bright financial future amid the dark winter of America’s declining years.

  • Chinese telecoms and pharmaceuticals

Through executive order, President Trump froze stocks in several CCP-run companies—including one I had been investing in—alleged to support China‘s military.

But in light of the Hunter Biden scandals and the cozy relationship that Biden advisers like presumptive Secretary of State Tony Blinken have with Chinese donors, it is only a matter of time before the kimono opens back up.

China’s advances in 5G technology have been hindered considerably by Trump’s prohibitions, blocking US companies in large part from doing business with major brands like Huawei (whose products are believed to have been used for spying on Chinese citizens and others).

But when the Trump embargo is lifted, wait for these companies to come roaring back with a vengeance—and to quickly rush to the lead in emerging broadband technologies.

Likewise, China’s state-backed pharmaceutical company, Sinovac, has produced a coronavirus vaccine that is considerably cheaper than Western alternatives (albeit only 50%-effective and with little research transparency from its Wuhan-based developers).

While I, personally, would sooner imbibe a cocktail of broken glass and rusty nails than inject it in my bloodstream, the communist nation is brokering deals throughout the globe to have it be the go-to treatment for Third-World countries.

  • Green New Deal / Medicare-for-all beneficiaries

Domestically, the Biden administration’s implementation of socialist-friendly wealth-redistribution programs is sure to be a cash bonanza for green energy in particular.

Smart investors would already have gotten in on Elon Musk’s Tesla several months ago, but I missed the electric-powered bandwagon. Nonetheless, Musk, ever the fearless innovator, is sure to take his status as the world’s new richest man into interesting, uncharted territory.

As for me, one of the companies hoping to compete with Tesla, Nikola, seemed more enticing. Fresh off a failed deal with General Motors, the green-energy upstart was nearly bottoming out when I decided to grab it, and it continued to fall. But my faith was unshaken, and I have already recouped my losses from buying on the temporary downturn.

Soy-based proteins and biofuels could also see a surge as the world sees a growing demand for zero-balance carbon-dioxide emissions. With the impending war on cow farts, I dipped my toe into the market with Beyond Meat—even though I would sooner take the Sinovac vaccine than try one of its products.

While I have not yet begun to dig into medical start-ups, my guiding beacon in doing so will be StartUp Health, the healthcare incubator co-founded by Howard Krein, who happens to be Joe Biden’s son-in-law. The company got a face-to-face White House meeting during the Obama administration, according to Peter Schweizer‘s Profiles in Corruption.

  • Dystopian pioneers

If and when the “great reset” comes, those leading the pack in privacy-invasion technologies will be ready. In particular, I am keeping a close eye on defense-related startups tied to Blinken’s WestExec Advisors.

One of the most intriguing is Shield AI, a small San Diego firm specializing in developing artificial intelligence systems in drones, which already has major defense contracts in the pipeline.

But many of the startups, including Shield AI, remain private at the moment. So I did the next best thing by investing in BCLS (Bain Capital Life Sciences) Acquisition, which has been linked to strategic partnerships with some of WestExec’s investment gems.

Those cutting-edge companies won’t be the only ones cashing in, however. The old telecom conglomerates may also come roaring back. In particular, IBM caught my eye.

The company that developed the very first computer is one of several scrambling to adapt a digital passport app that will allow those who received COVID vaccinations to confirm their status and medical details for things like attending public events and traveling abroad.

Something about this absolutely terrifying technology trend feels the same as getting in on the ground level of the original vaccine-development gold-rush back in March and April.

  • Vote-fraud conspirators/political cronies

AT&T, despite owning major entertainment subsidiaries such as TimeWarner, has surprisingly faltered in recent years, whether laying low to avoid anti-trust action or simply struggling to keep up with changing communications paradigms like “free” text and video-conferencing apps (paid for in privacy sacrifices).

The telecom dinosaur was even looking to unload one of its prize subsidiaries, CNN, due to its struggling ratings—although the fake-news network and prime Trump antagonizer may benefit from Biden’s arrival and the decline of Fox News.

But what sold me on AT&T was an eerie connection to the vote-fraud scandal during the 2020 election.

The company hired Bill Kennard, the former FCC chair and EU ambassador during the Clinton and Obama presidencies, to be its new board chair starting this month.

Does Kennard have Biden’s ear as he did with the two Democrat presidential precursors? Well, he also happens to be part of the three-person board of Staple Street Capital—the company that owns Dominion Voting Systems.

In fact, his resume suggests that Kennard is something of a deep-state Forrest Gump, with his hand in every shady operation recently orchestrated by the Left’s power-grabbers.

Curiously, not long after I began buying AT&T, it made a short-lived cameo in the news cycle when its Nashville regional headquarters was targeted by a Christmas Day bombing attack.

Despite the official story-line from the FBI that the lone perpetrator was a rogue, disgruntled eccentric who died in the attack, conspiracy theories hinted that the AT&T building might have been—for reasons unknown—storing some of the Dominion voting machines pending a potential audit.

  • Iranian/Russian Energy Cultivation

One thing that never quite added up to me about the Russia-collusion hoax and the Ukrainian Burisma scandal was why.

What was it about the disputed region around the Crimean peninsula that was so strategically important that it warranted not only a US-backed coup of Ukraine, but also was worth staking the whole of Americans’ already fractured faith in US government and election integrity?

To the best I can surmise, it all flows back to the extraordinarily lucrative energy market—not only as it relates to the US supply chain but also Western Europe, which has scant prospects for exploring and cultivating oil fields of its own.

Trump’s advisers, including George Papadopoulos, supported shifting a proposed pipeline from Iran’s sphere of influence through Turkey and instead routing it through Israel and Greece.

The dynamics involved in this mother-of-all-geopolitical-shadow-wars is well beyond my pay-grade, but suffice it to say, it roiled many of the left-leaning Western intelligence apparati. That may have been linked, in part, to the threat it posed to the soon-to-be-revived Iran nuclear deal.

Meanwhile, a declassified memo that surfaced in connection with the Senate’s investigation of Hunter Biden signaled that his rationale for joining the board of Burisma in 2014 was to capitalize on the destablization of the European energy markets following the Ukraine’s ouster of its pro-Russia president.

Regardless of whether the Bidens’ personal finances are still tied in the Baltic region (my bet is that they are), the ideological realignment will now be friendlier to energy companies—even corrupt ones—that undermine Russia’s cornering of the market.

While few of the companies involved are publicly traded in US markets, one involved in the exploration and pipeline developments alongside Burisma is BP. It could get the early edge over more US-reliant oil-producers, who no doubt will be hit by new domestic energy regulations.

As an added bonus, BP quickly learned the benefit of virtue-signaling during the Obama era, when the former president hammered them hard over the Deepwater Horizon explosion and resulting oil spill off the coast of Louisiana.

The company hasn’t strayed since, turning from what Rolling Stone magazine called “the world’s most dangerous oil company” to one of leftists’ favored corporate partners.

Betting on Evil?

In applying these new investment principles, I felt a bit like circa-2008 George Soros.

The reviled vulture-capital guru and New-World-Order financier doubled-down heavily on the Chinese yuan as the US housing bubble crashed and a rapid devaluation of the dollar came from the injection of billions in troubled-asset relief funds for Obama’s “shovel-ready” pet projects.

But in a way, there is something cathartic and therapeutic about cynically investing in industries and fields that represent the antithesis of all that I believe in.

In some cases, my infiltration of the Left’s financial-capital networks has proved a healthier and more constructive way to indulge my conspiratorial instincts than, say, storming the actual US Capitol on behalf of Q and the Kraken.

As Soros, himself, has rationalized—when reflecting on his halcyon days of helping Nazis confiscate property from his fellow Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust—the inevitable travesty of the coming years is going to happen regardless, so why not cash in?

“There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there,” Soros said in a 1998 interview with 60 Minutes.

“In a funny way, it’s just like in markets, that if I weren’t there—of course, I wasn’t doing it—but somebody else would,” he continued. ” … I was only a spectator. The property was being taken away, so I had no role in taking away that property. So, I had no sense of guilt.”

Any spoils gained from investing in the Biden administration’s corruption won’t be quite so immoral as Soros’s (I hope), but whatever blood money I reap from my investments at least keeps profits out of the hands of the oligarchal globalist hegemony.

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