Authoritarian leftists unleashed the heavy hand of oppression when a high school student in Wyoming was arrested and carted away in handcuffs for refusing to wear a face covering, violating a mask mandate dictated by school officials.
Not content with one arrest, officials then locked down the entire high school for nearly two hours.
Grace Smith, a junior at Laramie High School, had the temerity to think the right to make her own medical decisions was constitutionally protected.
Smith began attending classes without wearing a mask—for which she was suspended, issued a $500 citation, and left school property without incident.
After returning to school, still without a mask, she was suspended a second time and issued another $500 citation for trespassing, reported KPVI News.
Police were called after Smith refused to leave voluntarily.
Smith said she was surprised the incident resulted in a schoolwide lockdown, which officials claimed was needed “to prevent further interruptions to academic learning,” regardless that Smith wasn’t making a scene, wasn’t yelling and had made no threatening comments or actions.
Despite having to give up her lead role in the school play and her spot on the dance team, the straight-A student said she felt morally obligated to stand up for her beliefs.
“It’s because I’m growing up in a country where I’m supposed to have my God-given rights to protect, and they’re being taken away,” Smith said. “Everybody has the freedom to wear a mask if they choose, but I believe everybody also has the right to not wear a mask if they choose.”
This obviously makes an honor-roll student one of the deplorables responsible for Biden’s tanking poll numbers, according to the warped logic of White House mouthpiece Jen Psaki, who attributed the slide to pandemic-related issues. In this case, the unvaccinated were to blame.
“Well, look, I would say that this is a really tough time in our country,” Psaki said at a press conference.
“And we … we still have a quarter of the country who have—less than that—20% of the country who’ve decided not to get vaccinated. No question that’s having an impact.”