Saturday, September 7, 2024

RNC Registering New Republican Voters at Gas Stations

'The Biden Gas Hike is a product of his own doing, and Americans have faced record high gas prices as a result...'

(John RansomHeadline USA) The Republican National Committee is hitting Joe Biden where Joe Biden is hitting Americans the hardest, at the gas station, with the RNC rolling out a voter registration effort at America’s filling stations as gasoline prices keep rising.

“Don’t like the #BidenGasHike? Vote!” tweeted RNC chair Ronna McDaniel. “Republicans are coming to gas stations nationwide to register voters! #LeadRight.”

Republicans are counting on voters to continue to blame President Joe Biden for the surge in gas prices, rather than believe the hype that gas prices are going up because of the war in Ukraine or price gouging, as alleged by some Democrat lawmakers.

Last week Biden was slammed for his strategy of inviting teenage TikTok influencers to the White House to help them spread the message that raging high gas prices were the result of the war in Russia, not any policies followed by the Biden administration, according to reporting from the Daily Mail.

“It’s his actions, President Putin, that is prompting the rising gas prices,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said. “That is what is happening.”

Americans however are not buying it. They believe that it’s Biden’s anti-energy policies that are really behind the increase in prices, not just in gasoline.

“According to ABC News/Ipsos data, 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of gas prices, though even more respondents—77%—support his proposal to ban Russian oil, even if it means paying more at the pump,” said ABC News.

The trend in rising gas prices started at the same time that Joe Biden was inaugurated, and although the Russian war hasn’t helped, it was clear previously that oil prices were going to continue to go up especially as the US enters its summer driving season.

“American care about foreign policy, but they care more about gas prices,” Matt Terrill, a former Republican Party strategist told Univision.

“Gas prices are hitting people in the pocket-book. That hits home,” he added. “Besides, they see it every day as they drive by the gas stations and see the prices.”

And since Americans see it as a Biden-imposed price hike, expect the RNC to continue to show up and register voters aggressively at gas stations.

“The Biden Gas Hike is a product of his own doing, and Americans have faced record high gas prices as a result,” McDaniel said according to the Washington Times. “The RNC is mobilizing at gas stations across the country to register voters and remind folks that the anti-American energy of Biden and the Democrats is costing them more.”

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