Saturday, September 7, 2024

Republicans Want Bill to Allow Americans to Sue China for COVID-19

'We must finally get to the truth about what happened and who was involved in this deception in order to bring justice to those who suffered profoundly from COVID-19...'

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) Reps. Chris Smith, R-N.J., and Michael Burgess, R-Texas, unveiled a bill last week that would allow Americans to sue the Chinese Communist Party for damages after the country reportedly released the coronavirus into the world and caused irreversible damage, including deaths and health complications, for many people.

“With people finally recognizing that COVID-19 more than likely came from the Wuhan lab — something I raised from the very beginning — it is outrageous that no one has been held to account,” Smith, the chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, said on Sunday, according to Breitbart.

“China’s communist leaders knew they had a deadly and highly contagious virus on their hands, and they attempted to hide its origins and imposed their malign influence on the World Health Organization to echo their false narrative.”

The bill would waive the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and allow Americans to sue the CCP for monetary damages, personal injury, death or damage to or loss of property because the communists tried to hide the virus outbreak from the international community.

Mounting evidence and official testimony indicates the COVID came from Wuhan, China, and killed over 1.1 million people across the U.S. and at least 6.8 million throughout the entire world.

Even though Donald Trump earlier this month demanded to force China to pay reparations to Americans, Smith said he was the one who came up with the idea. He first introduced the bill in April 2020, but it was blocked on a party-line vote by the then-Democrat-controlled House Foreign Affairs Committee.

“The Chinese Communist Party’s refusal to provide real-time information killed Americans. The American people lost loved ones and suffered a multitude of losses during the Coronavirus pandemic. They deserve the ability to get answers from the CCP,” Burgess said when the bill was introduced on Friday.

“We must finally get to the truth about what happened and who was involved in this deception in order to bring justice to those who suffered profoundly from COVID-19,” he added.

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