Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ilhan Omar: Minn. Police Shooting ‘State-Sanctioned Murder,’ Even Though ‘Victim’ Shot First

'This pro-criminal, anti-police rhetoric should be helpful to Democrats in Georgia...'

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., claimed the police shooting of 23-year-old Dolal Idd on Wednesday was “state-sanctioned murder,” even though Idd shot at police first.

Video footage of the incident shows Idd firing on officers, forcing the officers to respond in turn.

Other officers on scene and nearby witnesses also confirmed that Idd fired first.

“When I viewed the video that everyone else is viewing… it appears that the individual inside the vehicle fired his weapon at the vehicle first,” Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo explained.

Omar has joined other Minnesota leftists in advocating for the total defunding of the Minneapolis Police Department.

But a push to see this through and replace the MPD with a new public safety unit failed this summer.

Nonetheless, crime in the city has skyrocketed as a result of new restrictions and extra scrutiny placed on authorities.

Many veteran police force members chose to resign or retire after being publicly attacked and undermined in the hours of their greatest need for support.

Omar, added fuel to the fire by blaming the Minneapolis Police Department for the recent shooting.

Several critics pointed out that Omar knowingly ignored Idd’s violent actions.

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