‘It’s kind of like the Nixon “Deep Throat” type of thing…’
(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After shocking confessions from a hidden-camera interview with a State Department employee who spent his workday doing research for the Democratic Socialists of America, Project Veritas produced even more explosive revelations on Wednesday with its second video in an investigative series on Deep State corruption.
The video features proud members of the Trump ‘Resistance’ who use their positions in the Justice Department and Health and Human Services Department to promote their partisan agendas.

Project Veritas President James O’Keefe introduces the video with a discussion about the widespread problem of leakers within the federal bureaucracy.
“During the Trump administration, our government has turned into a sieve,” he says. “Leakers weaponize information in order to thwart a duly elected administration.”
Drawing from recent headlines, such as the Justice Department’s coordinated effort to use media leaks of information—some of it false—in order to obtain surveillance warrants to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign, O’Keefe says “The media, rather than expose these people and shine a light on them, conspire with them—getting the scoop and leaving the people in the dark.”
The first subject O’Keefe introduces is Jessica Schubel, the former chief of staff for HHS’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under Obama.

Over a series of casual meetings with the Project Veritas undercover interviewer, Schubel, who quit her government job the day before Trump’s inauguration to pursue an analyst position at the left-wing Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, discloses that friends in her former workplace continue to surreptitiously mail her confidential information about Trump administration policy.
“It’s kind of like the Nixon “Deep Throat” type of thing,” she says, in reference to FBI associate director Mark Felt’s infamous parking-garage meetings with Watergate reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.
Schubel acknowledges that she is able to use the advance information to disseminate copy to reporters—and speculates that the actions are “probably” illegal.
“It helps me because then I can tell other people, and then we’re all prepared for when it happens, and then we can do something about it,” she says.
Speaking with Judicial Watch’s Bill Marshall, O’Keefe anticipates critics who might try to paint Project Veritas’ undercover stings in the same swath with the government leakers.
Marshall says the difference is that one is an effort to hinder democracy and the other to promote transparency.
“These people who are leaking from inside the government are doing it to thwart an incoming president’s agenda,” he says. “We are simply trying to expose the fraud that is occurring within the government itself.”

O’Keefe then introduces Justice Department Paralegal Allison Hrabar, who, like the previous video’s subject, was rooted out by infiltrating the Washington, D.C. branch of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Through her position with the leftist DSA, Hrabar previously led a protest confronting Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen as she privately dined in a restaurant.
O’Keefe says that Hrabar also may be using government resources through the DOJ’s antitrust division to further her ‘Resistance’ efforts.
Hrabar first acknowledges that many coworkers within her department share her leftist slant. Although some are socialists, she says, “most of them are just sort of like regular liberals” whom she describes as being “vaguely politically involved” through fundraising and canvassing activities.
She goes on to say “there’s a lot of talk at work about how we can resist from inside, and there’s a lot of, kind of, push back.”
Sometimes this involves deliberately slowing down the administrative process, she says, such as waiting until the last minute to submit a form. “It just means that they can’t start doing anything,” she says, which in her case might impact a company’s profit margins during a merger.
Additionally, she mentions a friend in the Agriculture Department whose effort to hinder food-stamp reduction policies “means that people are going to be able to stay on food stamps for another month or two.”
Hrabar also boasts of using access to confidential information to track down the address of a lobbyist, against whom she led a DSA protest. The group, she says, stalked the lobbyist’s address and then unofficially ran a license plate in order to confirm his identity.
Moreover, Hrabar uses her department access to the pricey LexisNexis database to locate information on company heads.
The video includes one of Hrabar’s fellow DSA conspirators, Natarajan Subramanian, an employee in the Government Accountability Office, who confirms that her use of the DOJ database subscription for her private partisan activities iss a fireable offence.
“People do not have the silver bullet, the smoking gun or whatever. If they were able to get proof of that, you know…? So, we’re all walking that line in a lot of ways.”
According to a press release from Project Veritas, the release of the series’ first video on Tuesday already helped initiate a response from the State Department saying they are looking into potential violations of the Hatch Act.