Thursday, June 27, 2024

Newly Unleashed Super-Lawyer Sidney Powell Filing Major Ga. Vote-Fraud Lawsuit

'In time, people are going to prison in Georgia. Every lie will be revealed...'

Two days after distancing herself from President Donald Trump’s official campaign legal team, newly rogue lawyer Sidney Powell, much like the mythical kraken, has been unleashed.

Rather than tormenting the Scandinavian seas, Powell’s new battleground is the state of Georgia—where, according to Atlanta-based conservative lawyer Lin Wood, the former federal prosecutor planned to serve up a major lawsuit on Wednesday.

The precise reasons for Powell’s split with Trump lawyers, including former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, remained unclear.

Giuliani said that their legal paths had diverged as he and his team focus on gathering hard evidence that will help them build a case before the US Supreme Court.

“I think it’s because we’re pursuing two different theories,” he said on Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” according to Breitbart.

Some speculation was that the move freed Powell to pursue sensitive leads without being subjected to the filing obligations that a formal political campaign would have.

Powell, herself, acknowledged she had been working pro-bono in the pursuit of election fraud theories, including a conspiracy to hack voting machines and software that involved several hostile foreign governments.

Evidence has indicated that a race-weighting algorithm present in the software of companies like Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic may have enabled bad actors to skew the election results in GOP-heavy precincts, switching or deleting Trump votes.

Wikileaks disclosed recently that KRAKEN also had been a code word for a vote-hacking program administered by the Department of Defense and intelligence communities to monitor potential fraud in other nations’ elections.

But the scope of the operations and the question over whether it constituted a coordinated effort to interfere in the Nov. 3 presidential election, have yet to be established.

Meanwhile, some speculated that Powell’s parting of ways with the Trump team may have been due to her desire to go after Republican officials, such as Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Gov. Brian Kemp.

Georgia is one of six to eight states being investigated by the pro-Trump legal efforts, but it is the only one among those disputed battlegrounds to have certified its results for Biden despite having Republican officials in top leadership positions.

Powell signaled her intent to hold them accountable with a tweet of her own early Wednesday morning.

Although Georgia formally certified its results in favor of Biden on Friday, following a highly suspect recount of the vote tally that did not examine the validity of the actual ballots, Wood has kept pressure on the officials there.

In a lawsuit filed last week that unsuccessfully sought a judicial injunction to delay certification, Wood noted that Raffensperger had settled a lawsuit with the state’s defacto Democrat leader, failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

That February arrangement—brokered with the help of Democrats’ top election-stealing attorney, Marc Elias—considerably loosened Georgia’s voting-integrity standards even before other blue states followed suit under the auspices of the coronavirus.

Powell, who came into the spotlight earlier this year representing former national security adviser Michael Flynn, will add her clout to the case for which Wood—himself a super-attorney with clients like teenage conservative heroes Nicholas Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse—has already laid considerable groundwork.

On Monday, Wood dropped a series of Twitter bombshells that alleged blue-dominated areas of Atlanta had waged an organized fraud campaign during ballot counting.

A Fulton County vote-tallying effort in the State Farm Arena, home of the Atlanta Hawks, raised eyebrows on election night after it paused the count due to a supposed water-main break.

But some suspect that behind-the-scenes skulduggery was at hand.

Wood made reference to a tape that may reveal efforts to tamper with ballots while the count was paused.

On Friday, he also tweeted footage that allegedly showed Cobb County officials attempting to destroy evidence of vote fraud.

Meanwhile, some have broken down the implausible numbers that Georgia’s final tally supposedly revealed, indicating what appeared to be clear numerical evidence of vote fraud.

For example, lackluster Democrat nominee Joe Biden ostensibly got a third more votes in Atlanta than Hillary Clinton did in 2016.

“[E]ven if Biden got an astronomical 316,000 more votes in Atlanta than Hillary, he would still lose,” wrote American Greatness .

“But Biden did not get an astronomical 316,000 more votes than Hillary—supposedly he got an even more astronomical 329,212 votes, that just barely put him over the top,” it continued. “This, despite a burst pipe just as the votes were being counted in Fulton County (Atlanta itself), that forced the ballot counting to stop for several hours at just the right moment, even though it turned out that the pipe didn’t really burst, but was only slowly leaking, and there is even some doubt about that.”

Georgia’s outcome could be crucial for Trump’s ever-dimming hopes of reversing the projected election results in Biden’s favor.

He would additionally need to secure at least two more states (including Pennsylvania, which has 20 electoral votes) prior to the Dec. 14 meeting of the Electoral College, where the president will formally be elected.

Regardless, it is imperative that Georgia’s administrative issues be addressed with two looming runoff races for both of its US Senate seats.

Should GOP incumbents David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler both lose to their radical Democrat challengers, assuming Democrats hold the White House, that would give them full control of Congress as well, with an unfettered ability to pass legislation that would further secure their stranglehold on power in every branch of government.

According to the Gateway Pundit, alarm bells are already going off over the state’s plan to rely extensively on ballot drop-off boxes in the January run-offs.

And according to the Epoch Times, thousands Georgia voters were improperly registered at non-residential addresses.

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