Wednesday, October 2, 2024

New Activist Org. Helps Connect Infanticide-Seekers w/ Pilots

'We know who they [the pilots] are, but we don't reveal their names and addresses and states and tail numbers... '

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) Baby-slaughter tourism, as enabled and protected by the federal government, is at an all-time high as pilots volunteer to fly expecting mothers to states where infanticide is legal.

As was reported in June, after the Dobbs case overturned Roe v. Wade, the federal government promised to protect the “rights” of pregnant mothers to cross state lines to commit infanticide.

The government agents went further by creating a website that helped pregnant mothers find states where abortions were legal and connected them with subsidies to kill their child. Now, a new “charity” is connecting small aircraft owners and private pilots with pregnant women to enable them to kill their unborn babies, according to Axios.

The group, known as Elevated Access, also provides transportation to children who are seeking genital mutilation, but live in a state that protects them from the current wave of gender madness.

Further, the group enables the infanticide and genital mutilation of illegal immigrants as well, because, as noted by Axios, passengers on single-engine aircraft can be undocumented, and do not need to show photo ID.

The group is aware that some states have prohibited aiding women to commit infanticide, so the group hides the identity of its pilots. A spokesperson for the group said, “We know who they [the pilots] are, but we don’t reveal their names and addresses and states and tail numbers.”

The cost of the flights is entirely covered by the organization and pilots.

Axios suggested that pilots are volunteering their time, treasure and airplane for charitable reasons. Other explanations are also possible. For example, in a recent lawsuit, Satanists have claimed that abortion is a sacred rite, and restrictions upon infanticide are an afront to their “religious freedom.”

Regardless of the motivation, this is just one more example of federal and state government officials conspiring with private organizations to enable infanticide including:

  • Democrat prosecutors promising to ignore laws prohibiting abortion
  • Michigan’s governess refusing to enforce Michigan’s abortion prohibition
  • Feminists screeching over parliamentary procedures in Wisconsin
  • Politico soliciting sob stories about abortion from its readers
  • The Biden administration transporting illegals to get abortions
  • Biden’s Executive fiat “requiring” abortion in pro-life states
  • Squad members blocking traffic protesting the overturning of Roe v Wade
  • And much more
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