Thursday, October 17, 2024

Media Floats Manchin Running as Conservative Spoiler to Rescue Biden

'This is an insurance policy for a unique American moment... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) White House water-carriers at Axios ran a report floating the idea of Senator Joe Manchin, D-W.V., running a “non-partisan” presidential ticket in 2024 to help President Joe Biden secure reelection.

Manchin, who often finds himself caught between Republicans and Democrats on major policy decisions, recently courted Iowa voters.

In a Wednesday meeting with Iowa business leaders, for example, Manchin told those present that he is “fiscally responsible and socially compassionate.” He also positioned himself as a friend to the people and a helper.

“I believe the government should be your partner. I’m not your provider,” he added.

With his term up in 2024, Manchin will have to decide whether or not he should run again in the increasingly-red West Virginia, or pursue other opportunities. When asked about his potential presidential ambitions, Manchin said that he is most concerned about saving the nation.

“You have got to fight for the reasonable, responsible middle and no one is doing that,” he said. “There’s no options.”

Meanwhile, as the nation heads full steam towards a Trump-Biden presidential rematch, a political group called No Labels is attempting to promote a centrist 2024 ticket.

“We like to say one-ticket, one-time. This is not a third party, it’s one Democrat and one Republican. Everyone will have a seat at the table,” Nancy Jacobson, the founder and CEO of No Labels, said, describing her group.

“This is an insurance policy for a unique American moment.”

Manchin has positioned himself for such a run, simultaneously leading a campaign against President Joe Biden’s “radical climate agenda” while also supporting the far-left Inflation Reduction Act.

In Manchin’s words, “this administration is determined to advance its radical climate agenda and has made it clear they are hellbent on doing everything in their power to regulate coal and gas-fueled power plants out of existence, no matter the cost to energy security and reliability.”

He also accused the Biden administration of creating policies to “kill the fossil industry by a thousand cuts.”

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