Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Market Conditions Update: Silver Is Pulling Back…. Could a Squeeze Still Drive Silver Prices to $50?

(Money Metals News Service) Although we are seeing a sharp price pullback this morning, gold and silver remain on bullish footing, especially after a notable 12-year breakout in silver over the past four trading days.

Analyst Jesse Colombo meticulously explains in his recent article posted at MoneyMetals.com why he believes a silver squeeze has only just begun – and he boldly suggests the white metal could even run all the way up to $50 per ounce within a few months.

Meanwhile, Money Metals gold sleuth Jan Nieuwenhuijs just uncovered some remarkable data that proves these recent rallies in gold were caused by new demand in the West. For more than two years previously, it had been Asian demand that fueled gold price advances.

This shift is highly significant because investors in the West have scant holdings of gold at present, but they have high potential buying power.

Be sure to check out Jan’s compelling charts and graphs. A picture is worth a thousand words!

Meanwhile, U.S. retail demand for coinsbars, and rounds has picked up – but so has selling by long-time holders. Money Metals is always happy to facilitate either buying or selling — offering compelling pricing and great service to our customers in either scenario.

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