Thursday, October 17, 2024

JUDICIAL WATCH: Emails Show Dems Sought to Sway Rosenstein’s Mueller Appointment

‘Eric Holder just called for you. Please call him…’

Mueller's Fumbling Testimony Undermines Case for Obstruction
Robert Mueller / IMAGE: CSPAN via Youtube

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Judicial Watch announced it had obtained an additional 382 pages of correspondence from former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein revealing the left-wing pressure campaign to influence him in what would become the Mueller investigation.

Rosenstein assumed the top oversight of the probe into whether President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia after then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself.

Two days before the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, for instance, Rosenstein received a vague and mysterious message that former Attorney General Eric Holder was attempting to reach him.

“Eric Holder just called for you. Please call him,” said the email from Public Affairs Specialist Marsha Murphy, undoubtedly aware of the possibility that its substance could become public under the Freedom of Information Act.

A day before Robert Mueller‘s May 17, 2017 appointment, U.S. Attorney John Huber wrote to Rosenstein, “Rod, We’re proud of you.”

Judicial Watch noted that Huber was later appointed by Sessions to oversee another highly controversial probe into the Clinton Foundation.

After nearly two years and more than $30 million spent, the Mueller Report was released in April 2019, concluding that there was no evidence to establish any direct ties between Trump and Russia.

Trump’s allies have questioned how quickly Mueller might have reached that determination, noting that Democrats campaigned heavily on it during the 2018 election in which they reclaimed the U.S. House of Representatives.

Having pledged repeatedly to impeach Trump over the claims of Russia collusion, House Democrats ultimately did so on an unrelated claims of abuse of power in Ukraine and obstruction of Congress, but Trump was acquitted of the divisive charges last week.

The latest batch of Judicial Watch emails follows an October release that also hinted at Rosenstein’s partisan loyalties to members of the deep-state, anti-Trump resistance.

In an email to one of his DOJ predecessors, Mark Filip, Rosenstein wrote, “I am with Mueller. He shares my view. Duty calls. Sometimes the moment chooses us.”

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