Friday, September 27, 2024

Iran Condemns Canadian Dictator Trudeau’s Brutal Protest Crackdown

'Canada will always stand up for the right to peaceful protest and human rights anywhere around the world...'

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Iran’s High Council for Human Rights on Sunday accused Canadian dictator Justin Trudeau of committing “egregious human rights violations,” the Gateway Pundit reported.

The Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran’s state-run media arm, said the council’s secretary general, Kazem Gharibabadi, slammed Canada for “suppressing peaceful protests.”

Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, which replaced the rule of law with martial law, to shut down the Freedom Convoy, a peaceful protest against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies.

Under martial law, the Canadian government has seized private property, frozen bank accounts, and arrested hundreds of non-violent protesters without due process.

Gharibabadi, who also serves as Iran’s vice president of the Judiciary for International Affairs, tweeted a video that shows several Canadian police dragging a protester to the ground and then beating him or her.

Suppressive crackdowns, like the one in Canada against the Freedom Convoy and US targeting of political dissidents following the Jan. 6, 2021 uprising at the Capitol, have undermined Western nations’ claims of moral superiority that has allowed them to contrast their liberal human rights protections with repressive regimes that do not tolerate dissent, like Iran and China.

By imposing martial law against its own citizens, Canada may have forfeited its right to criticize Iran for suppressing protests like a 2019-2020 uprising during which the rogue Islamic republic is estimated to have killed about 1,500 protesters, Women United Against Fundamentalism reported.

Trudeau previously virtue-signaled his support for a farmer’s protest in India last year, saying that “Canada will always stand up for the right to peaceful protest and human rights anywhere around the world and we are pleased to see moves towards de-escalation and dialogue.”

On Saturday, conservative podcaster Benny Johnson shared a compilation video that showed the police state that has emerged in Canada.

Canadian authorities have announced that a January 6th-style persecution will fall on protesters who donated to or attended the Freedom Convoy protests.

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