Saturday, September 7, 2024

Nat’l Security Chief Grenell: Obama Corruption ‘Made Me Sick to My Stomach’

'They presented bogus info as facts, they lied to judges and they classified anything that undermined their case...'

Already up in arms over the break in protocol by allowing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to speak Tuesday at the Republican National Convention, left-wing partisans and pundits were likely to be vexed even more by Wednesday’s speech by national security adviser Richard Grenell.

The recently-promoted former ambassador to Germany has proven himself to be a dauntless advocate for Trump, setting the tone for his tenure by declassifying several documents that reignited the simmering flames of the Obamagate scandal.

Grenell told viewers that having seen all of the facts in the case involving the Russia collusion hoax, the Obama administration’s actions “made me sick to my stomach.”

Confirming the case, long denied and ignored by the left-allied media, Grenell said, “They presented bogus info as facts, they lied to judges and they classified anything that undermined their case.”

However, the Democrat administration’s end-of-term corruption and efforts to undermine the incoming Trump presidency was but a coda to the many years of failed international stewardship, which Grenell labeled “a disaster.”

For several decades, in fact, leaders from the Republican and Democrat establishment had “bought into the illusion that the whole world would start to resemble America, so they started to pursue relentless globalization,” Grenell said.

“But they didn’t ground any of it in the interests of the average American,” he added.

Trump, he said, was the first president bold enough to recognize and address the failures of America’s post-World-War II nation-building efforts, which had resulted in decades of bad negotiations with foreign leaders.

“I wish every American could see how President Trump negotiated on their behalf,” Grenell said.

He recounted seeing the president charm German Chancellor Angela Merkel while still laying down a hard line on Europe’s NATO contributions and other financial obligations.

Trump told world leaders “I don’t blame you for wanting America to pay for your security—I respect you for out-negotiating the presidents before me, but it stops with me,” recalled Grenell.

He noted that Trump had been the first president in recent memory who had not entered America into any new wars but had, instead, withdrawn many of the troops deployed in conflict zones.

And he questioned why Trump’s critics considered calling him a “nationalist” to be an insult.

“That’s the job of all leaders, to put their people first,” he said.

Grenell noted that the Obama appeasement policy while attempting to broker an Iran nuclear agreement had involved sending a planeload of cash in the middle of the night to Tehran.

“President Trump also sent an aircraft in the middle of the night to deal with Iran, but that plane was on a different mission,” he said, referring to the killing of terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani in January.

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