Friday, July 26, 2024

GIULIANI: Hunter Biden’s Files Appear to Show Nudity in Presence of 14-Year-Old Relative

'The reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack [talking to] girls on face time...'

Details emerging about the sexually explicit images found on the recovered hard drive of Hunter Biden‘s abandoned laptop include allegations that one of several underage girls posing nude may have been a 14-year-old relative.

According to Red State, the girl—whose name was redacted—was also mentioned in a text exchange between Hunter and his father, current Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, recounting a conversation that Hallie Biden had with Hunter’s therapist.

Hallie—the widow of Hunter’s deceased brother, Beau—later entered into a relationship with Hunter that is believed to have lasted from 2017 to 2019. She and Beau had two children, including a daughter, Natalie, who was born in 2004.

“She [Hallie] told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with [redacted] when she says that I face time naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack [talking to] girls on face time,” Hunter reportedly wrote his father.

“When she was pressed she said that [redacted] never said anything like that but the bottom line is that I create and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids,” he continued.

Altogether, there were “numerous pictures of underage girls” on the laptop, said Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and federal prosecutor who is now President Donald Trump’s point man on Hunter Biden’s many scandals.

About a third of the sexually-explicit images found on the hard drive contained the same girl, believed to be Hunter Biden’s relative, and some showed her posing suggestively with Hunter, Giuliani said.

“We’re very uncomfortable with the fact that these underage girls weren’t protected,” he said, noting that it law-enforcement had a legal obligation to pursue it.

Giuliani confirmed that he had filed a report on Monday with police in Wilmington, Delaware, the Bidens’ home town, according to Just the News investigative reporters John Solomon and Lee Smith.

“I told them other details about what appears to be an inappropriate sexual relationship,” Giuliani said. “They told me it would be investigated.”

Joining Giuliani in the meeting with the New Castle County Police Department was former New York Police Department commissioner Bernard Kerik, who confirmed that the laptop material also “raises serious questions as to Joe Biden‘s national security vulnerability.”

However, hours later, Delaware’s Department of Justice—an organization once led by Beau Biden as the state’s attorney general—announced that it was refusing to investigate due to “credibility issues,” according to the Daily Beast.

The state’s current attorney general, Kathy Jennings, was a protege of Beau’s, noted Just the News.

“In light of ongoing questions about the credibility of these claims and multiple reports that the FBI is investigating their veracity, law enforcement is referring this matter to the FBI,” the state DOJ said.

The FBI, likewise, has faced harsh criticism since last week’s public disclosure of the laptop.

Several of Trump’s Republican allies in Congress have questioned whether the agency was aware of the hard drive’s contents and had engaged in a cover-up operation while Trump was being impeached by House Democrats for requesting that Ukraine investigate Hunter’s Burisma scandal.

Hunter’s involvement with the Burisma board proved to be one of the many shocking foreign dealings confirmed by the trove of emails, some of which now appeared to be publicly available in a Dropbox file.

The Burisma emails implicate Joe Biden, who allegedly met with a representative of the corrupt Ukrainian energy company while he was supposed to be overseeing the Obama administration’s anti-corruption efforts in the former Soviet satellite.

Contrary to what the email evidence suggests, Biden has long denied that he ever discussed Hunter’s foreign business deals with him.

Other emails suggest that “the big guy” was designated to receive a 10 percent equity stake in a Chinese investment company that was paying Hunter at least 10 times what Burisma paid him.

Although Biden, while in public office, was ineligible to receive kickbacks from foreign governments, Hunter was in charge of holding the money for him, according to emails.

Nonetheless, as America undergoes a law-and-order crisis in the face of ongoing race riots and anarchist-driven protests that Joe Biden has refused to condemn, evidence that he knowingly allowed his son to engage in an inappropriate relationship with his granddaughter may pose the biggest political problem yet for the former vice president.

Not surprisingly, the left-leaning media and pro-Biden social media sites have tried to suppress the story using unprecedented censorship efforts.

Twitter, Google and Facebook created their own crisis last week by blocking or slowing the spread of the material following the New York Post‘s original articles.

Although those attempts backfired, effectively doubling the level of coverage, the organizations remain mute about how they may be suppressing conservative content in the wake of the potentially campaign-ending concerns.

The account for the New York Post remained blocked on Wednesday, a week since the story broke, after the paper refused to remove its original tweet.

The top executives of the three Silicon Valley companies were expected to appear on Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee to explain themselves amid calls to repeal the Section 230 free-speech protections they currently enjoy under the Communications Decency Act.

Also on Thursday, as Trump and Biden prepared to meet for their second and final debate,  the president planned to “pummel” his opponent with the corruption allegations, Just the News reported.

The strategy is seen as a bit of a gambit since recent media polls have not indicated that the issue is a pressing one among voters.

However, Trump is counting on the fact that the media suppression of the scandal is more to blame than voter disinterest.

“The mainstream media polls—they’re not asking these questions at all, they’re not acknowledging that this ever happened,” said Trump pollster John McLaughlin.

“I mean yesterday, Joe Biden was out someplace getting a milkshake, and they asked him what flavor he was getting,” McLaughlin continued. “They didn’t ask him about, you know, ‘Did you take a cut from this Chinese money that Hunter Biden got according to these emails?’ They won’t even acknowledge that the hard drive, that’s clearly Hunter Biden’s, that he signed a receipt for this now out there, is a factor.”

As to whether voters will buy Joe Biden’s attempt to dismiss it as a personal matter with no bearing on his personal ethics and leadership capability, Giuliani begged to differ.

He pointed to the text exchanges about Hunter’s alleged incestuous child sexual-abuse that he had recently given over to authorities.

“There are many texts which I gave to them that point out that family was concerned about the safety of the child,” Giuliani said.

“I will tell you, the evidence I gave them states it was reported to Joe Biden,” he continued. “What did he do about it?”

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