Tuesday, October 1, 2024

FBI Waited Days to Raid Trump for ‘Top Secret’ Docs, Warrant Offers Few Details

'Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a Hoax... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Federal agents were so concerned about “top secret” documents that might have been stashed by former President Donald Trump, they waited several days to search his Mar-a-Lago home, according to court papers released Friday after a federal judge unsealed the warrant that authorized the unprecedented raid.

According to Breitbart News, which obtained documents that included “the warrant, two accompanying attachments specifying terms for the warrant, and a property receipt outlining the inventory federal agents seized from Mar-a-Lago,” no explanation was offered for why federal agents lingered for days to search for documents that have been reported to included “top secret” information about nuclear weapons.

The list obtained by Breitbart appeared to include little but a nothing-burger covered with vague and unspecified search lists.

“The first receipt lists out 28 numbered items, including some that have sub-headers,” Breitbart reported. “Some of the items are actually named like item number 1 which says it was an ‘Executive Grant of Clemency re: Roger Jason Stone, Jr.’ or 1A which says it is ‘Info re: President of France.’”

Other items were even less specific, with one noting simply “Leatherbound box of documents.” Another item said it contained “Various Classified/TS/SCI documents,” without providing any detail.

Breitbart reported: “Item number 3 says it was a “potential presidential record,” and items numbers 5 and 6 both say they were a “binder of photos.”

“Item number 7 says it was a “handwritten note,” and items 8, 9, and 10 were boxes labeled A-1, A-12, and A-15 respectively. Item 10A specifies that that item allegedly contained “Miscellaneous Secret Documents,” according to Breitbart.

Trump ridiculed the notion that he had stashed nuclear codes or any other alleged “top secret” documents that posed any security threats.

“Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a Hoax, two Impeachments were a Hoax, the Mueller investigation was a Hoax, and much more,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

“Same sleazy people involved. Why wouldn’t the FBI allow the inspection of areas at Mar-a-Lago with our lawyer’s, or others, present. Made them wait outside in the heat, wouldn’t let them get even close – said “ABSOLUTELY NOT,” he wrote.

“Planting information anyone? Reminds me of a Christopher Steele Dossier!”

The unsealed warrant also revealed that Trump in under investigation for for obstruction of justice and violating the Espionage Act, without offering any detail, reported the Daily Mail.

Trump on Friday maintained his assertion that everything was “declassified” and agents “didn’t need to seize anything.”

“Number one, it was all declassified. Number two, they didn’t need to ‘seize’ anything. They could have had it anytime they wanted without playing politics and breaking into Mar-a-Lago. It was in secured storage, with an additional lock put on as per their request,” he wrote on Truth Social. “They could have had it anytime they wanted—and that includes LONG ago. ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS ASK.”

“The bigger problem is, what are they going to do with the 33 million pages of documents, many of which are classified, that President Obama took to Chicago?” Trump wrote.

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