Saturday, September 7, 2024

Memos Prove Top FBI Officials KNEW Comey Would Be Fired, Undermine ‘Obstruction’ Claim

'This was a strange comment, because it was my understanding that the DAG ... had been discussing firing Director Comey since January...'

As part of his deep dive into the newly declassified FBI documents related to the “Crossfire Hurricane” conspiracy and Russia-collusion hoax, Just the News’s John Solomon revealed Wednesday that top FBI officials were aware of former Director James Comey‘s impending dismissal long before it happened.

The memoranda cast doubt upon the claims of Comey, then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and many others linked to the deep-state that Trump’s dismissal of Comey was an attempt to obstruct the investigation.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who was appointed shortly after Comey’s  firing, would go on to make no recommendation for prosecuting President Donal Trump after determining that there was no underlying criminal activity to predicate the investigation.

At the time of Comey’s May 2017 firing, many already had seen the writing on the wall following repeated public clashes between Trump and Comey as the top lawman sought to withhold information from Trump about the investigation involving him.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was among them. Rosenstein assumed oversight of the probe after then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself.

According to Trump and other White House sources, Rosenstein had even penned the memo recommending that Comey be fired—although it remains unclear whether he was coerced into doing so.

Regardless, FBI attorney Lisa Page—who would later expose her own anti-Trump bias in text messages with her adulterous lover, Peter Strzok—found Rosenstein’s reaction to be a bit out of place.

“This was a strange comment,” Page wrote, according to Just the News, “because it was my understanding that the DAG had previously indicated that he and AG Sessions had been discussing firing Director Comey since January, but given the nature of the conversation there was no room for follow-up.”

Rosenstein’s duplicitous behavior even included his offer to wear a wire if it would help the FBI in its pursuit of the president. After those details came to light in 2018, he, too, would make his way to the cutting block following the release of the Mueller report.

Moreover, the memos fill in a part of the tale involving McCabe’s refusal to recuse himself from the probe—despite his wife’s having received nearly half a million dollars in political funding from Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Democratic operative tied to the Clintons.

McCabe insisted that his role in his wife’s campaign for the state Senate had no bearing on his work leading two of the FBI’s most risky and consequential cases against both of the major-party candidates.

Rosenstein “stated that he thought I should consider recusing myself from the investigation,” McCabe recalled.

“He said he was not ordering me to recuse, but merely suggesting that I consider it in order to ensure the credibility of the investigation,” McCabe continued. “… He stated that this potential ‘credibility issue’ could cause some people to complain about my involvement in the investigation.”

After Trump caught wind of the conflict, he noted that allowing McCabe to continue on without recusing himself was one of the reasons for Comey’s firing.

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