(Maire Clayton, Headline USA) Former Pixar employees expressed their unhappiness with Disney’s decision to axe a transgender storyline in the Disney+ streaming series Win or Lose, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
“It hardly surprised me, but it devastated me,” former Pixar assistant editor Sarah Ligatich told the outlet.
She bemoaned Disney only cares about profits.
For a long time, Disney has not been in the business of making great content. They have been in the business of making great profits,” she continued. “Even as far back as two years ago when I was at Pixar, we had a meeting with [then-CEO] Bob Chapek, and they were clear with us that they see animation as a conservative medium.”
When the decision to remove the storyline was revealed a Disney spokesperson gave THR a statement.
“When it comes to animated content for a younger audience, we recognize that many parents would prefer to discuss certain subjects with their children on their own terms and timeline,” the spokesperson said.
The animated show was set to focus on a middle school co-ed softball team.
Another former Pixar employee decided to remain anonymous and discussed the now-shelved episode.
“The episode in its final form was so beautiful—and beautifully illustrated some of the experiences of being trans—and it was literally going to save lives by showing those who feel alone and unloved, that there are people out there who understand,” the former employee said.
The anonymous source added the episode featured a scene in which the character debated over which bathroom to use.
“So it’s just very frustrating that Disney has decided to spend money to not save lives,” the source continued.
A different anonymous source who identifies as transgender called the decision “100 percent political.”
Ligatich added the show should have been released while President Joe Biden was still in office.
“They had this story in the can for two years, so they could have released it in a Biden presidency, and they chose not to,” she added.