Thursday, October 17, 2024

CCP Tells Biden Regime to Obey ‘One China’ Policy, Recognize ‘Red Line’ in Hong Kong

'Trump bad, it’s all his/your fault, and let’s just go back to the 2015 status quo...'

The director of Chinese Communist Party‘s Central Foreign Affairs Commission said in a speech on Feb. 1 that the Biden regime must obey the “One China” policy and refrain from interference with disputed regions, including Taiwan and Hong Kong.

“The United States should stop interference in the affairs of Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang,” said Yang Jiechi, a member of the CCP Politburo, the Epoch Times reported.

He gave the speech at an online event hosted by the National Committee on U.S.–China Relations.

Yang said America must “strictly abide by the One China principle” regarding Taiwan, a de facto self-governing nation.

Interference in the “internal affairs” of these Chinese-claimed provinces constitutes “a red line that must not be crossed,” he said. “Any trespassing would end up undermining China–U.S. relations and the United States’ own interests.”

Jacob Gunter, senior policy and communications manager at the European Union Chamber of Commerce, said Yang’s speech placed all blame on America and Trump.

“Trump bad, it’s all his/your fault, and let’s just go back to the 2015 status quo,” he said in summary of the speech. “The lack of even feigned introspection isn’t even surprising anymore.”

President Donald Trump‘s administration normalized relations with Taiwan in a nod toward the nation’s autonomy from China.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confronted the CCP by designating the killing of religious groups as genocide and their persecution as “crimes against humanity.”

The Trump administration sanctioned CCP officials for their participation in human rights abuses against Falun Gong adherents, Hongkongers, Muslim minorities, Tibetans and Uyghurs.

Yang said Biden should “restore” US–China relations by backing down from Trump’s “misguided policies” and returning to a “predictable and constructive track of development.”

He warned that the Trump administration had brought the US–China relationship to “its most difficult period.”

“Bottom line: Beijing is ready [to] cooperate only on China’s terms,” Scott Kennedy, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said about Yang’s speech.

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