Monday, June 17, 2024


Teen Ordered to Pay $150K Restitution after Defending Herself Against Sex Trafficker

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) In 2020, a 15-year-old-girl named Pieper Lewis was kidnapped and raped in Iowa by Zachary Brook, a 37-year-old human trafficker. She stabbed him and escaped in June of that year. Now, at the age of 17 (still a minor), she is being ordered to pay Brooks' family...

Gay Backlash Against Trans Movement Gets Approval from Twitter

Editor's note: Story contains obscenities. (Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Twitter gatekeepers let a "transphobic" hashtag, #LGBWithoutTheT, trend on the platform, as homosexuals and bisexuals vented their frustration at being associated with transgenderism. The top tweet under the hashtag claims that lesbian, gay and bisexual people do not share goals with the...

RINOs Secretly Attack MAGA Candidates with Untraceable Funds

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) RINOs are utilizing “pop-up super Political Action Committees” to help other RINOs defeat their MAGA opponents, while hiding the identity of their leftist funders. Axios reported that pop-up super PACs are new organizations with vague and positive names that are new enough that the disclosure requirements do...

Railroad Strike May Be Final Straw for Vulnerable Dems’ Midterm Hopes

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) President Joe Biden could face an early October surprise as 60,000 unionized railroad workers, including engineers and conducts, plan to start striking on Sept. 16, American Greatness reported. The planned strike would cost the American economy $2 billion per day, prevent agricultural products from reaching manufacturing...

SCOTUS Case May Spell End for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Movement

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The Supreme Court will hear a case, Lowery v. Texas A&M University System, that will test whether affirmative action and anti-white discrimination violate the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause and Title IX of civil rights law. Professor Richard Lowery, who teaches finances at the University of Texas...

3 Iranian Nationals Charged over Major U.S. Hacking Campaign

(Headline USA) The Justice Department said Wednesday that three Iranian citizens have been charged in the United States with ransomware attacks that targeted power companies, local governments and small businesses and nonprofits, including a domestic violence shelter. The charges accuse the hacking suspects of targeting hundreds of entities in the...

Jim Beam to Ramp Up Bourbon Production w/ New Biogas-Powered Distillery

(Headline USA) Jim Beam plans to ramp up bourbon production at its largest Kentucky distillery to meet growing global demand in a more than $400 million expansion to be powered by renewable energy. The project will increase capacity by 50% at the Beam plant in Boston, Kentucky, while reducing greenhouse...

Atlas Shrugged? Nat’l Science Foundation Bankrolls Powerful Laser in Michgan

(Headline USA) A newly constructed University of Michigan facility that will be home to the most powerful laser in the United States is hosting its first experiment this week as the nation seeks to become competitive again in the realm of high-power laser facilities. The experiment will be conducted at...

Judge Unseals Additional Portions of Mar-a-Lago Affidavit

(Headline USA) A federal judge Tuesday unsealed additional portions of an FBI affidavit laying out the basis for a search of former President Donald Trump's Florida home. The newly unredacted details, released by Judge Bruce Reinhart, appeared to show that, prior to the Aug. 8 raid, agents had obtained a...

Whistleblower Memo Exposes Pelosi’s J6 Intel Failures

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A mere three days after the United States Capitol was breached during the Jan. 6 rally, a top intelligence analyst for the Capitol Police sent out an email blasting members of Congress for failing to heed warnings that certain individuals planned to storm the building,...

Soros D.A. Booted from Case Involving Loudoun Co. School Rape

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Soros-supported prosecutor Buta Biberaj has been removed from an appeal case of a Loudoun County girl who was raped in the bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt in 2021, the Business and Politics Review reported. https://twitter.com/ArmyOfParents/status/1569304079599550465?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1569304079599550465%7Ctwgr%5Eb6e5dd296e9cf82abe24c8fe55645048d1378a48%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bizpacreview.com%2F2022%2F09%2F13%2Fsoros-da-booted-from-case-of-loudoun-co-dad-whose-daughter-was-raped-in-school-restored-his-hope-for-a-fair-trial-1284632%2F Bill Stanely, the attorney for the girl's father, Scott Smith,...

WATCH: Mich. Woman Was Allegedly Served Subway Sandwich w/ Feces

Editor's note: Video contains graphic images that some may find sickening. (Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) An undergraduate student at Michigan State University claimed in a TikTok video to have been served a Subway sandwich with human or canine feces on it, the Detroit Free Press reported. https://www.tiktok.com/@kelscoin/video/7140813677032181034 Kelsey Coyne, an undergraduate senior...
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