Friday, October 18, 2024


Kasich Thrives in Role as Trump-Basher for Liberal Talk Circuit

'Since becoming one of the leading Republican foils for President Donald Trump, Kasich’s star has grown...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) When it comes to NeverTrump Republicans, Ohio's lame-duck Gov. John Kasich may not be the belle of the ball, but he can still make a pretty good living pooh--poohing the...

Christian Bale Thanks Satan for His Award-Winning Role as Dick Cheney

'I can sink and ruin a perfectly good movie and a so--so career in one speech...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A bold prediction for 2019: Christian Bale's stock will soon plunge. The actor, already notorious for his tyrannical on-set behavior, went off the deep end at Sunday's Golden Globes, alienating a...

Appeals Court Tosses Injunction on Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

'The far-Left was so busy cheerleading Barack Obama's wave of social experimentation that they never stopped to ask how those policies were received by the people they affected most...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A protracted legal battle over transgenders in the military took another step toward an inevitable Supreme Court...

Newly Sworn-In Rep. Tlaib: ‘We’re Gonna Impeach the Motherf***er’

'They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020...' Editors Note: This article contains profanity. (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) It would take an awful lot of disgraceful behavior to fill the shoes of former Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., the long-serving octogenarian congressman who resigned in 2017...

Trump’s Troop Visit Leaves Liberal Media Feasting on Holiday Humble Pie

'The president’s visit made fools of these critics...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With Wall Street, Capitol Hill and everywhere in between closed for the Christmas holiday, the non-stop flow of the news stream slowed to a drip this week. Some newsrooms fell back on their "evergreens"---feel-good puff pieces, pre-planned and canned...

Gun-Rights Advocates Sue to Challenge Trump’s Bump-Stock Ban

'If the bump stock converts an AR-15 into a machinegun, then AR-15s could be next on the chopping block...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Liberals have long been lambasted for using the court system to dodge and undermine the executive authority of President Donald Trump. But after a controversial decree banning bump...

DHS Secretary Blames Immigration Activists for Children’s Deaths at Border

'Our system has been pushed to a breaking point by those who seek open borders...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Following the second illness-related death recently of a Guatemalan immigrant child in Border Patrol custody Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen condemned activist judges and other illegal immigration advocates for incentivizing...

Chaotic Week Tests Trump Allies’ Resolve, Coaxes Swamp-Dwellers from Hiding

'I think the nation’s fourth graders know this is no way to run a lemonade stand...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As the 2018 legislative term careens to a halt, President Donald Trump has customarily dominated the news cycle this week with blockbuster policy moves that have felt sometimes off-the-cuff. He's laid...

Schiff Pushes Phony Innuendo About Trump Finances on Colbert

'People are hoping for someone, be it Schiff or Robert Mueller, to just deus ex machina Trump away...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) One of President Donald Trump's most bombastic critics, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., used an appearance on Stephen Colbert's late-night talk show to spread innuendo, without evidence, about Trump's...

Justice Department Announces Ban on Bump Stocks

Owners will have 90 days after rule takes effect to 'divest themselves of the devices'... (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With Democrats already challenging his legitimacy in courtroom battles, acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker may soon face challenges from gun enthusiasts on the Right over a controversial policy change banning "bump...

Anti-CNN Defamation Ruling May Set Up SCOTUS Showdown on Press Protections

'It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) How far can an off-the-rails media go before it hits the limits of its First Amendment protections? The question has been raised before, as the George W. Bush administration attempted...

NeverTrump Movement Suffers Major Setback as Weekly Standard Shutters

'Some of them may lose their jobs next week. But they should be applauded for holding on to their dignity...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The NeverTrump resistance movement suffered another casualty on Friday as a once venerable conservative publication, The Weekly Standard, abruptly announced that its Dec. 17 issue would...
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