Friday, October 18, 2024


Seattle Mayor Claims Fed. Presence in Blue Cities is a ‘Dry Run for Martial Law’

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan claimed on Monday that the Trump administration had sent federal officers to several Democratic-run cities in order to stage a “dry run for martial law.” “He’s clearly targeted cities ran by Democratic mayors. He’s said so himself,” Durkan told CNN. “He’s using law enforcement as a political...

Rashida Tlaib Refuses to Endorse Biden

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., said that unlike most of her fellow leftists in Congress, she will not endorse presidential candidate Joe Biden... for now, at least. She had previously endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., but told Newsweek that she doesn’t feel comfortable publicly supporting Biden right now---not necessarily for ideological...

Big Tech Censors ANOTHER Viral Video of Doctors Debunking COVID Myths

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook removed a viral video of a group of doctors discussing the coronavirus pandemic and the misinformation being spread about the virus by health experts after President Donald Trump shared it.   View this post on Instagram   One of the most important testimonies that we need to hear, yet...

AOC Wants to Defund Military Recruitment Efforts

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., introduced a pair of amendments to a defense appropriations bill that would bar the military from using federal funding to pay for its recruiting efforts in public schools or on digital streaming platforms. The Democratic socialist claimed that military recruiters target low-income students, which she said...

BARR: DOJ Attorney Is Investigating Obama-Era Unmasking Scandal

During an exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, at a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Attorney General William Barr revealed he had asked US Attorney John Bash of Texas to look into systemic unmasking abuse during the Obama era. The news surprised even Jordan, a close ally of President Donald Trump...

WATCH: Judiciary Jerry Has a ‘Karen’-Style Mask Meltdown on House Floor

It's safe to say that Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, who once tipped the scales at more than 300 pounds prior to getting bariatric surgery, may be a little worried about his risk factors for catching the coronavirus. On Tuesday, the 73-year-old held a committee hearing to compel Attorney General William...

Kaepernick, Fauci Given Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award

Failed NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick and Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the White House’s leading health experts, will be awarded the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Award, the organization announced on Monday. Kaepernick and Fauci are examples of the “courageous pursuit of equality and justice,” the organization...

Trump Admin Reverses Obama Policy that Punished Suburban Residents

With so much attention paid to Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots in cities across the country, the Trump administration has quietly dispensed with an Obama-era housing policy that maliciously targeted suburban residents. President @realDonaldTrump and I agree that the best run communities are the ones run locally. Today, we...

WATCH: Jim Jordan Destroys Nadler’s Lie about ‘Peaceful’ Protests at Barr Hearing

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, may have delayed his committee Tuesday after a car accident immediately beforehand that totaled his car. Unfortunately, Nadler walked away unscathed---unlike dozens of recent victims during violent race riots who have seen their health and financial livelihood destroyed. After finally arriving at the hearing, the House Judiciary...

Nobel-Winning Stanford Prof. Says COVID Will Be Over in Four Weeks

An Oxford-trained, Stanford University professor is predicting that the Wuhan coronavirus will be over in roughly four weeks. US COVID19 will be done in 4 weeks with a total reported death below 170,000. How will we know it is over? Like for Europe, when all cause excess deaths are at...

Campaign Insiders on Biden’s VP Prospects: No ‘Ideal Home Run Choice’

As presidential candidate Joe Biden gets closer to announcing his vice president pick, some Democrats argue Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., will be his top choice. “He's going to take less of a chance because the polls look so good and political observers would say the race has tilted toward Biden,”...

Building Owner Seeks SCOTUS Relief After NYC Vandals Awarded $6.75M for Graffiti

Should graffiti be protected from property owners? That’s a question many people would consider ludicrous, but a New York City court awarded graffiti “artists” $6.75 million in damages when a building owner whitewashed what he considered vandalism. Now, real estate developer G&M Realty is petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court for help. “We...
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