Saturday, October 5, 2024


Kamala Harris’s DNC Speech Honors Those Rarely Named… Including Hunter Biden

From the hashtag #SayHerName to the old African American adage "take that name out your mouth" the civil rights movement has been deeply connected with honoring its unsung heroes by naming them. It was fitting, thus, that California Sen. Kamala Harris, in her acceptance speech for the vice presidential nomination...

Obama Leads the Big Whopper Sweepstakes at DNC’s Third Night

It's an award he is no stranger to receiving after having previously been recognized for such gems as "If you like your doctor, you can keep him," "The 80s called; they want their foreign policy back"---as well as his post-presidency boasts of having laid the groundwork for a historic...

Did Pocahontas Plagiarize Plot of the ‘Andy Griffith Show’?

On a night deliberately designed to put the focus on vice-presidential running-mate Kamala Harris, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren went where even Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama himself feared to tread: upstaging the nominee. Warren, who outlasted Harris in the recent presidential primaries, told a bizarre and largely self-serving...

NYTimes Journos Complain of Threats After Tucker Carlson Accuses of Attempted Doxing

Freelance photographer Tristan Spinski said he had to hide, lock himself in an upstairs room, and call the police after Fox News Host Tucker Carlson accused the photojournalist of attempting to dox him, The Guardian reported. Carlson said on his July 20 broadcast that Spinski, a New York Times photojournalist,...

Trump Lashes Out at Goodyear Over Pro-BLM, Anti-MAGA Policies

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump on Wednesday urged people to boycott tires from Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., tweeting that the Ohio-based company had “announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS.” “Get better tires for far less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and...

Social Media Censors Links, Searches for Second ‘Plandemic’ Documentary

Social media giants on Tuesday expanded their censorship of skeptical perspectives on the coronavirus by blocking links and search results. Facebook and Twitter are preventing users from clicking on links that navigate to London Real’s Digital Freedom Platform, which is called freedomplatform.tv, according to Reclaim The Net. Users will receive this...

Elizabeth Warren Mercilessly Mocked for Hosting DNC Native American Caucus Meeting

The Democratic National convention asked Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., to speak at its Native American Caucus meeting, even though she was blasted by the American Indian community just last year for claiming to be of Cherokee heritage. Elizabeth Warren just spoke at the DNC Native American Caucus Meeting pic.twitter.com/7VoIYpwmBO — jordan...

Anarchy Now Extends to ‘Jail Support’ Activists Who Vandalize, Defecate Around County Lock-Ups

For three months, a group of protesters advocating for criminal-justice reform has been occupying the space outside a Charlotte-area jail pretending to be volunteers---all with the support of the county sheriff. But now, after seeing issues like defecation and fornication spiral out of hand, Mecklenburg Sheriff Garry McFadden is beginning...

Cindy McCain Gives Support to Biden at Democratic Convention

Cindy McCain, widow of the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., praised Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden during the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, touting his “unlikely friendship” with her late husband. Cindy McCain said that Biden and her late husband formed a bond when they were younger. Biden was a new...

Portland Rioters Set Fire to County Gov’t Building

(Headline USA) Rioters in Portland broke out the windows of a county government building, sprayed lighter fluid inside and set a fire in a demonstration that started Tuesday night and ended Wednesday morning with clashes with police, officials said. The fire at the Multnomah Building damaged the county government's office of...

DNC Honors Corrupt, Deep-State Swamp-Dwellers on Second Night

For the second day of the Democratic National Convention, Democrats once again put much of the emphasis on courting potential disaffected ex-Republicans or so-called moderates. While the first night of the convention featured RINO politicians such as former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, the emphasis on the second night was in...

AOC Snubbed as DNC Hypes ‘Next Gen’ Leaders

When the Democratic National Convention schedule was announced last week, many were intrigued by the announcement that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez of New York would be given only a minute to speak. That mystery became clear when "AOC" was given the honor of seconding the nomination for runner-up Bernie Sanders as...
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