Saturday, October 5, 2024


Texas Bill Would Freeze Property Taxes for Cities that Cut Police Budgets

Executive and legislative leaders in Texas joined together on Tuesday to promote legislation that would punish municipalities that defund police departments, Fox News reported. The bill would prevent cities that defund the police from increasing property taxes. Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and House Speaker Dennis Bonnen spoke about...

Trump Reaffirms Plan to Withdraw All US Troops from Iraq

(Associated Press) President Donald Trump on Thursday reaffirmed his plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq as quickly as possible as he met with the prime minister of Iraq to discuss ways to rein in pro-Iran militias in the country and counter residual threats from Islamic State sleeper cells. “We...

Iowa State Prof. Tries to Order Students Not to Criticize Abortion, Gay Marriage, BLM

Iowa State University administrators reprimanded an English instructor after she forbade students from making arguments against abortion, gay marriage and the Black Lives Matter movement. Students who signed up for ISU assistant professor Chloe Clark’s English 250 class this semester were given a “giant warning” on their syllabus. “Any instances of...

Cuomo Brushes Back Critical Nursing Homes Report; Slammed for COVID Book

(Associated Press) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo responded Wednesday to an Associated Press report that his state’s coronavirus death toll in nursing homes could be a significant undercount, saying it makes sense to include only those residents who died on the home’s property. Unlike the federal government and every other state...

Trump Appeals as Judge OKs Manhattan DA Getting Tax Returns

(Associated Press) A federal judge on Thursday cleared the way for Manhattan's top prosecutor to get President Donald Trump’s tax returns, rejecting a last-ditch attempt by his lawyers to block a subpoena issued to his accounting firm. Trump's lawyers immediately appealed U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero's decision to the Second Circuit...

UPDATED: Ex-Trump Adviser Steve Bannon Charged in Border Wall Scam

(Headline USA) UPDATED: Former White House adviser Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday on charges that he and three others ripped off donors to an online fundraising scheme “We Build The Wall.” The fundraiser was headed by men who pushed their close ties to President Donald Trump, giving their effort a legitimacy...

Why Uber, Lyft Are About to Shut Down All Operations in California

(Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education) This Friday, Uber and Lyft are set to entirely shut down ride-sharing operations in California. The businesses’ exit from the Golden State will leave hundreds of thousands of drivers unemployed and millions of Californians chasing an expensive cab. Sadly, this was preventable. Here’s how we got...

Planned Parenthood Concedes Defeat; Lawsuit Dropped Over Ind. Abortion Ultrasound Mandate

(Associated Press) Planned Parenthood has decided to drop its federal lawsuit challenging an Indiana law that will require women to undergo an ultrasound at least 18 hours before having an abortion. The law was passed by the Republican-dominated Legislature in 2016 but had been blocked since a federal judge’s ruling in...

Kamala Harris’s DNC Speech Honors Those Rarely Named… Including Hunter Biden

From the hashtag #SayHerName to the old African American adage "take that name out your mouth" the civil rights movement has been deeply connected with honoring its unsung heroes by naming them. It was fitting, thus, that California Sen. Kamala Harris, in her acceptance speech for the vice presidential nomination...

Obama Leads the Big Whopper Sweepstakes at DNC’s Third Night

It's an award he is no stranger to receiving after having previously been recognized for such gems as "If you like your doctor, you can keep him," "The 80s called; they want their foreign policy back"---as well as his post-presidency boasts of having laid the groundwork for a historic...

Did Pocahontas Plagiarize Plot of the ‘Andy Griffith Show’?

On a night deliberately designed to put the focus on vice-presidential running-mate Kamala Harris, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren went where even Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama himself feared to tread: upstaging the nominee. Warren, who outlasted Harris in the recent presidential primaries, told a bizarre and largely self-serving...

NYTimes Journos Complain of Threats After Tucker Carlson Accuses of Attempted Doxing

Freelance photographer Tristan Spinski said he had to hide, lock himself in an upstairs room, and call the police after Fox News Host Tucker Carlson accused the photojournalist of attempting to dox him, The Guardian reported. Carlson said on his July 20 broadcast that Spinski, a New York Times photojournalist,...
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