Thursday, July 4, 2024


Mitchell Questions Blasey Ford on Polygraph Validity and Decision to Go Public

'Someone composing a story can make it all come together in a seamless way, but someone who is honest ... is also candid about what he or she cannot remember.' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As Christine Blasey Ford's testimony continued through a 12:45 p.m. lunch break recess, the line of...

Mitchell Seeks Inconsistencies in Kavanaugh Accuser’s Account

'I can’t recall whether she saw them directly or whether I just told her what they said...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Largely coming off as sympathetic, composed and confident during opening testimony, California psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford described her memories of the alleged incident that occurred in the summer...

Grassley Opens Kavanaugh Hearing with Criticism of Feinstein, Dems

'This will be a stark contrast to the grandstanding and chaos that we saw from the other side...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Chuck Grassley, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, opened the hearing on allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with scathing criticism on the Democratic tactics that...

Cruz Supporters Hit Back at Socialist Dinner Disruptors

'No—you can’t eat in peace—your politics are an attack on all of us...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Seething over yet another outrageous boundary of civility crossed by militant leftist activists, Ted Cruz supporters may have gone overboard themselves in attacking the restaurant that Cruz and his wife were chased out...

Abortion Ad from 2012 May Explain Ford’s Miraculous Memory ‘Recovery’

'With all the histrionics of Ford now jarring front page headlines, it is not easy too see that she’s only the bit player in the #MeToo assassination of Brett Kavanaugh...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As the nation awaits the arrival of Thursday to see whether Christine Blasey Ford--who has accused...

Holder Caps Off Foot-in-Mouth Week by ‘Mansplainin’ AG Job to Loretta Lynch

'That would not have happened if I was attorney general of the United States...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) For someone who last held office three years ago, former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder continues to make headlines in the worst of ways. Holder (who acknowledges having some presidential aspirations that may...

Liberals Push Corroborator for Kavanaugh Accusation; Fake News Ensues

'To clarify my post: I do not have first hand knowledge of the incident...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Congressional partisans continued to draw battle lines over the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Wednesday as news broke that sexual assault accuser Christine Blasey Ford would likely welsh on...

Project Veritas Investigation Continues Rooting Out Socialist ‘Resistance’

'It’s kind of like the Nixon “Deep Throat” type of thing...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After shocking confessions from a hidden-camera interview with a State Department employee who spent his workday doing research for the Democratic Socialists of America, Project Veritas produced even more explosive revelations on Wednesday with its...

O’Keefe’s Latest Undercover Investigation Blows Lid Off ‘Deep State’ Corruption

'I have nothing to lose. It's impossible to fire federal employees...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Undercover journalist James O'Keefe and his Project Veritas have taken on everyone from ACORN to teachers' unions, biased journalists, Twitter and crooked Clinton campaign workers. His hidden-camera confessionals have both effected political reform and incurred the...

Hillary Clinton Back to Her Old Form (i.e. Lying) in New Anti-Trump Diatribe

'In my concession speech, I said, "We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead." I hoped that my fears for our future were overblown...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Hillary Clinton is at it again. Seemingly unaware of the fact that her bold-faced and brazen deceptiveness cost her the...

NRA’s Dana Loesch Triggers Left While Attacking Cartoon ‘Racism’

'They've decided that the next stop is Virtue Town...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) According to NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch, kids TV icon Thomas The Tank Engine has gone off the rails. In the "Final Cut" segment of her show Relentless on NRA TV last week, Loesch took aim at the show Thomas...

Group Wants Records of Ohr’s Ongoing Push of Dossier at Justice Dept.

'Once again, it may be Judicial Watch—not Congress—that is finally able to extract the truth about this continuing Deep State scandal...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A week after members of the House Freedom Caucus publicly called on President Donald Trump to force the declassification of key documents in their investigation...
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