Saturday, October 5, 2024


Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion in Senate Intelligence Report is Flimsy at Best, Fraudulent at Worst

(Aaron Mate, RealClearInvestigations) The declaration that Donald Trump’s onetime campaign manager employed a Russian intelligence officer was the headline-grabbing finding of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's fifth and final Russian interference report, released Aug. 18 at the time of the Democratic National Convention. According to the report, Paul Manafort's 2016...

House Committee’s Final Report on COVID Origins: China’s Malfeasance ‘Crystal Clear’

Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the ranking minority member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the GOP minority's final report on its investigation into the origins and spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The 90-page report, as expected, put a heavy blame on China's actions to promote disinformation and lack of...

SHOE FITS: Cuomo Rages After Barr Shames NYC for Allowing Destruction, Violence

Entitled New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo lashed out against the Justice Department after a report that identified New York City as one of three jurisdictions to encourage anarchist rioting suggested the cities might lose federal funding as a result. The DOJ published the list using a set criteria for evaluating...

TRUMP: Court Finalists at 4 or 5, Announcement by Week’s End

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump says he expects to announce his pick for the Supreme Court on Friday or Saturday, after funeral services for Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He told “Fox & Friends” on Monday that he had a list of five finalists, “probably four,” and that he is pushing for a...

Front-Runner for Supreme Court Seat Hailed by Right, Feared by Left

(Associated Press) A front-runner to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a federal appellate judge who has established herself as a reliable conservative on hot-button legal issues from abortion to gun control. Amy Coney Barrett, a devout Catholic, is hailed by religious...

GOP Hopes Supreme Court Battle Will Help Shape Election in Their Favor

(Headline USA) Four years ago, the allure of conservative Supreme Court appointments helped persuade skeptical Republicans to support Donald Trump for president. Two years ago, a contentious clash over Trump's choice of Brett Kavanaugh for the court was credited with bolstering GOP gains in the Senate in an otherwise bad midterm...

GOP Sen. Reaffirms Pledge to ONLY Vote for SCOTUS Nominee Who Opposes Roe v. Wade

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., reaffirmed his commitment to vote for President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee only if that candidate explicitly opposes Roe v.Wade, the high court's decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Two months ago, I pledged to vote only for #SCOTUS nominees who understand and acknowledge that Roe was...

Biden Begs GOP Not to Confirm New Justice; Pelosi Warns of Impeachment

(Headline USA) Joe Biden on Sunday slammed President Donald Trump and leading Senate Republicans for trying to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He urged more senators to stand with a pair of GOP colleagues who oppose the election-season nomination. The extraordinary televised plea from the Democratic presidential candidate to...

Burlington, Vt. City Council May Create ‘Safe Injection Site’ for Junkies

(Associated Press) Leaders of Vermont's largest city have voted to consider creating a supervised injection site for people who use heroin and other illicit drugs to reduce overdoses and get more people into treatment. The city council in Burlington voted unanimously Monday night in favor of a resolution asking the...

BLM Activists Pressure Lawmakers to Outlaw ‘Hair Discrimination’ Against Afros, Dreads, Cornrows

(Associated Press) A growing number of states are facing pressure to ban race-based discrimination against hair texture and hairstyles in schools and the workplace. Advocates this week presented a draft proposal to New Mexico state lawmakers that would outlaw employers and schools from discriminating against Black and Native American women's...

What Would a Contested Election Look Like? America Could End Up with President Pelosi

(Associated Press) Is it possible the election will be up in the air and we won't have a president on Inauguration Day: Jan. 20, 2021? Even if the election is messy and contested in court, the country will have a president on Inauguration Day. The Constitution and federal law ensure...

Sen. Collins: Next President Should Select Supreme Court Justice

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Me., sided with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the argument about filling the Supreme Court seat that belonged to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She said the person who wins the 2020 presidential election should choose the next Supreme Court nominee. My statement on the Supreme...
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