Saturday, September 28, 2024


At Wisc. Rally, Trump Promises to Restore Accurate Teaching of History in Schools

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump stepped up his rhetoric on cultural issues, aiming to boost enthusiasm among rural Wisconsin voters as he tries to repeat his path to victory four years ago. Making his fifth visit to the pivotal battleground state this year, he held a rally Thursday evening in Mosinee,...

WaPo, Eager to Publish Fake News on Conservative Prankster, Gets Fooled

Three days ago, the Washington Post embarrassingly reported on a faux FBI raid taking place at the house of Jack Burkman, a notorious hoaxer and conservative lobbyist. "FBI agents raided the home of lobbyist, conspiracy theorist and right-wing operative Jack Burkman early Monday," their article began. Here are some screenshots of the...

Trump Admin: ‘Resounding Vindication’ from Independent Report on COVID in Nursing Homes

(Headline USA) The Trump administration is claiming “resounding vindication” from an independent commission's report on the coronavirus crisis in nursing homes, supporting the argument that Democrat governors in several states failed to protect their most vulnerable residents. People in long-term care facilities represent less than 1% of the U.S. population...

Comey to Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee in Late September

(Headline USA) Former FBI Director James Comey will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 30, appearing just a month before the presidential election as Republicans have sought to bring closure to the travesty of 2016's Russia hoax. Comey, whom Trump fired in May 2017, will be a featured...

FBI Director Wray Disputes Evidence of Antifa’s Organization, Claims It is an ‘Ideology’

Countering prior witness testimony from Senate Judiciary Hearings, FBI Director Chris Wray told lawmakers Thursday that Antifa is an ideology, not an organization. Wray's claim put him at odds with President Donald Trump and many of the administration's other law-enforcement officials. Trump, with support from Wray's boss, Attorney General William Barr,...

Biden Readies ‘War Room’ of Celebrity Lawyers to Challenge Unfavorable Election Outcome

(Headline USA) Democrat Joe Biden appears ready to follow the advice of 2016 loser Hillary Clinton, who advised him last month not to concede "under any circumstances. The former vice president is currently assembling a team of top lawyers in anticipation of court challenges to the election process that could...

SELLERS: Trump’s Main Mistake Was Trusting Watergate Swamp-Creature Woodward

In June, the truth about the coronavirus finally became clear---or at least the mainstream-media's narrative about it. After three months of vigorous debate over lofty scientific concepts like herd immunity and mortality rates; concerns about the constitutional limits of authority; and whether financial ruin from mass lockdowns would exacerbate the...

Emails Confirming DOJ Wiped Lisa Page’s iPhone Raise More Questions of Obstruction

Documents released last week by the Justice Department about the mishandling of cell phones during the Mueller investigation indicated that a government iPhone issued to former FBI lawyer Lisa Page may not have been lost as the DOJ previously claimed. The new materials came in response to a Freedom of...

With Big Ten Reversal, Trump Poised to Score in Key Battlegrounds

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump was quick to spike the ball in celebration when the Big Ten announced the return of fall football at colleges clustered in some of the Midwest battleground states critical to his reelection effort. “I'm the one who got football back,” he said. Trumps efforts to reverse...

Intel Chief Ratcliffe Reverses Cancellation of Congressional Briefings after Pushback

(Headline USA) The Trump administration has agreed to provide in-person briefings on threats to the November election to key members of Congress, backing down from a decision last month to provide that information only in writing. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe announced the change in policy after Democrats apparently...

$1M Bail Cut for Some Held in Lancaster Over Riots After Police Shooting

(Headline USA) Judges dramatically reduced bail amounts as high as $1 million Thursday that had been set this week for several people accused of crimes during riots in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, that included protests and vandalism to public buildings. Bail for nine of 13 defendants was lowered, in several cases so they...

Pa. Supreme Court Gives Dems THREE Extra Days to Get Mail-In Votes to Count

(Headline USA) Pennsylvania’s highest court gave the Democratic Party a series of victories Thursday, including one allowing repairs to glitches and gray areas in the battleground state’s fledgling mail-in voting law and another that kicked the Green Party's presidential candidate off the November ballot. The state Supreme Court, which has a...
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