Monday, June 24, 2024


Border Agency Closes Offices to All Asylum-Seekers Due to Coronavirus Concerns

'Travelers will no longer be permitted to cross the border for recreation and tourism. In both our countries, we’re encouraging people to stay home...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is temporarily shutting down its offices nationwide in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The agency said in a...

Twice as Many Blue States as Red States Face Unemployment Insolvency

'We have a multibillion surplus for times like this...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps through America, customers are staying home leading businesses to shut down and lay off workers. As of Wednesday morning, according to virus trackers at Johns Hopkins University, there were more than 6,500 confirmed...

Dem. Impeachment Lawyer Contracts Coronavirus, Blames Trump

'It is impossible to reach any conclusion other than that the President is sacrificing the health of the American public for his own personal interests...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) House Democrats’ top impeachment lawyer has contracted the coronavirus, or COVID-19. Daniel Goldman admitted on Twitter that he was the former staff...

Could Trump Cancel the Election? Possibility Seems Real as Virus Panic Spreads…

'Without careful, realistic planning, confidence in the system will fall...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As workplaces began to shutter last week, toilet paper dwindled, major events canceled and schools extended spring-break weeks to a month, some conservatives wondered how far the coronavirus hysteria would go. The obvious red line, it seemed,...

De Blasio Ignores NYC’s ‘Social Distancing’ Mandates, Uses Public Gym

'There was almost no one there. I had heard that information prior...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was caught making his way to a Brooklyn public gym after urging city residents to avoid public spaces and large groups of people. De Blasio immediately faced backlash...

STUDY: Plastic Bag Bans are BAD Idea if You Don’t Want to Spread Viruses

'Senate Democrats’ desperate need to be green is unclean during the coronavirus outbreak...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Paper grocery bags kill trees, and plastic shopping bags are as bad for the environment as they are for sea turtles, according to environmentalists and climate conscious government officials. Their solution has been to...

Dr. Drew Says Press Should ‘Be Held Accountable’ for Coronavirus Hysteria

'Businesses are getting destroyed and people’s lives are being upended. Not by the virus, but by the panic...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Celebrity psychologist and physician Dr. Drew Pinsky said that the media's irresponsible rush to encourage widespread panic during the coronavirus frenzy was tantamount to negligence and it should...

Left Uses Health Panic, Public Shaming to Continue to Advance Its Radical Agenda

'Some of those basic liberties are going to be truncated for a brief period. Most Americans understand the need for that...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The recent "social distancing" and closures of major events may be wise practices in the effort to contain the highly contagious coronavirus, but radical left-wing...

Progressive Left Alarmed at Biden’s Cognitive Decline

'Lots of people are talking about the undeniable decline in his speech & memory. But Joe Biden has a history of lying---A LOT...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) How are we going to beat Trump when Joe Biden doesn’t know what state he’s in, the office he’s running for, or the...

China Tries to Blame US for Virus, Threatens to Cut Off Life-Saving Pharmaceuticals

'They could trigger a domestic problem here that would make it difficult for us to confront them...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Chinese officials appeared to use coronavirus antibiotics and other supplise as leverage in a recent war of words with the U.S. while attempting to push conspiracies that the U.S....

Pelosi Tried to Sneak Abortion Funding into Coronavirus Bill

'One is reminded of the famous comment from President Obama’s first chief of staff: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste"...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Democrats reportedly tried to sneak abortion funding and paid parental-leave into the House’s coronavirus relief package, according to senior White House officials. House...

REPORT: Border Wall Has Blocked 90% of Border Crossings

'There is a huge return on investment...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump’s southern border wall is working, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Border Wall System update: ▫️ 131 miles completed ▫️ 208 miles under construction ▫️ 414 miles in pre-construction pic.twitter.com/QdZVAdWRrj — Chief Rodney Scott (@USBPChief) March 2, 2020 The new chief...
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