Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Did Pelosi Reject Security Help at the Capitol on Jan. 6th?

Since the Democrat impeachment team backed away from questions and calling witnesses during the Senate trial, Republican committee leaders on Monday inquired with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., about the failure to protect the Capitol against trespassers on Jan. 6. "The Speaker is responsible for all operational decisions made within...

MEMO: Comey Knew of Steele Dossier’s Reliability Problems Before Renewing FISA Warrants

A declassified January 2017 memo from then-FBI Director James Comey to then Director of National Defense James Clapper showed that both top intelligence officials were aware of the problems surrounding the Steele Dossier. "e are not able to sufficiently corroborate the reporting to include it in the body of the...

NYTimes Retracts, Stealth-Edits Phony Claims about Sicknick’s Death

As Democrats on Saturday prepared to call witnesses in the failed second impeachment attempt against former president Donald Trump, the New York Times quietly corrected---and then stealth-edited---its original reporting about the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. Originally, in the days after the Jan. 6 uprising at the US...

Minneapolis Approves $6.4M to Recruit, Train New Police After Failed ‘Defund’ Push

The harsh and accusatory anti-police rhetoric used by Minneapolis's Democrat city officials during last summer's race-riots will wind up costing the city at least an extra $6.4 million. The city---where riots first broke out following the Memorial Day death of George Floyd---later led the nation's left-run urban centers in advancing...

Budget Office Expects $2.3T Deficit Before Biden Relief Plan

(Associated Press) The Congressional Budget Office says the federal government is on track for a $2.3 trillion deficit this year, down roughly $900 billion from last year when the coronavirus pandemic led Congress to provide historic amounts of financial aid. Stronger economic growth has helped to reduce the anticipated shortfall for...

Does Your Child Plan to Attend a College That Pushes Critical Race Theory?

(William Jacobson, James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal) The Legal Insurrection Foundation, of which I am the president, has launched a website, criticalrace.org, to provide resources to parents and students regarding Critical Race Training in higher education. The main feature of the website is a database of how Critical Race...

NC GOP to Vote on Censuring Sen. Burr After Impeachment Vote

(Headline USA) The North Carolina Republican Party is expected to vote Monday on whether to censure Sen. Richard Burr over his vote to convict former President Donald Trump during Trump’s second impeachment trial. Party spokesman Tim Wigginton told multiple news outlets Sunday that the group’s central committee would meet for the...

Black-Owned Cereal Brand Makes Chocolate ‘Puffs’ Shaped Like Raised Fists

Inspired by the Black Lives Matter uprisings last summer, a black entrepreneur created Proud Puffs, a chocolate breakfast cereal that celebrates the radical Black Power movement, HuffPost reported. The Proud Puffs logo portrays raised black fists—the primary symbol of the black supremacy ideology—in both of the letters "u." Under the name,...

GOP Sens. Urge SEC to Block NASDAQ Quotas for Race, Gender on Corporate Boards

Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission expressing their opposition to a new race, sex, and gender diversity rule, according to a press release. The SEC will vote on whether to accept a proposed NASDAQ regulation that would compel publicly traded companies...

New York Delivery Man Arrested for Threatening Politicians & Fox News Figures

(Headline USA) A New York food delivery worker charged with threatening past and present political figures and Fox News personalities was ordered held without bail Friday after a prosecutor cited the man's criminal history and his "direct and unambiguous" threats. Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Moroney said Rickey Johnson, 47, also...

After Acquittal, Bipartisan Support Grows for 9/11-Style Commission to Prosecute Trump

(Headline USA) A day after citizen Donald Trump won his second Senate impeachment trial in two years, bipartisan support appeared to be growing for an independent Sept. 11-style commission to prosecute the former president. More investigations into the riot were already planned, with Senate hearings scheduled later this month in...

Australian Laws Could Force Google & Facebook to Pay Media for News

(Headline USA) Tech monopolies Google and Facebook were close to striking "significant commercial deals" to pay Australian media for news ahead of Australia creating world-first laws that would force the digital giants to finance journalism, a minister said Monday. Parliament is scheduled to consider the draft laws on Tuesday after...
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