Friday, October 18, 2024


Pace of Spending for ‘Virus Relief?’ Try $43,000 Every Second

(Headline USA) To pay out Democrats' coronavirus "relief" package --- of which only 10 percent of spending actually addresses virus-affected issues --- President Joe Biden must spend an average of $3.7 billion every day for the rest of this year. That’s $43,000 every second of every day until midnight chimes on...

NYTimes Melts Down over Tucker Carlson’s Criticism of Snowflake Tech Reporter

(Headline USA) Fox News host Tucker Carlson mocked a leftist New York Times reporter this week for her over-the-top hypocrisy in claiming to be a bullying victim. In response, the once admired paper not only rallied behind its snowflake reporter but launched yet another vicious and bullying attack on Carlson. Although...

Dems’ COVID ‘Relief’ Bill Sneaks in $60B Tax Hike, BANS State Tax Cuts

As President Joe Biden and his entourage prepare to hit the road promoting the recent $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill, they will have some serious explaining to do. Amid a veritable smorgasbord of progressive pork, the so-called American Rescue Act, which Biden signed into law Thursday, stealthily slipped in $60...

Cuomo Refuses to Reveal Terms of His COVID Book Deal

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's cover-up of thousands of nursing-home deaths due to his mishandling of the coronavirus crisis may have helped him to secure a book deal last year. Now critics are calling out his attempt to cover up the details of that deal amid a growing movement to...

UPDATE: Cuomo Groping Allegation Reported to Police; Calls for Resignation Increase

UPDATE 3/11/21 3:15 PM EDT VIA AP: A lawyer for Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday that she reported a groping allegation made against him to police after the woman involved declined to press charges herself. Beth Garvey, the governor's acting counsel, said in a statement that as a matter of...

Disney CEO Insists Leftist Bias Had Nothing to Do w/ Decision to Cancel Gina Carano

Disney CEO Bob Chapek denied that the company had a "left-leaning" bias when asked at its annual shareholder meeting Tuesday about the decision to fire right-leaning actress Gina Carano. Conservatives railed against the entertainment giant after Carano was canceled from The Mandalorian last month over a social-media post comparing Democrats'...

UPDATE: Biden Signs $1.9T ‘COVID Relief’ Ahead of ‘Road Show’ Sell-Job

UPDATE 3/11/21 3:00 PM EDT: President Joe Biden on Thursday signed into law the $1.9 trillion relief package that he said will help the U.S. defeat the coronavirus and nurse the economy back to health. The signing came hours before Biden delivers his first prime-time address since taking office. “This historic legislation...

Dems Muscle Through Biden’s Radical HHS Pick Becerra

(Headline USA) The Senate voted on Thursday to advance President Joe Biden’s nominee for health secretary as Democrats muscled past Republican opposition using a new procedure put in place to avoid gridlock in the evenly divided Senate. The Senate Finance Committee split along party lines, 14-14, earlier this month on the...

Mumford & Sons Guitarist Booted from Band for Supporting Andy Ngo

The banjoist and lead guitarist for the popular group Mumford & Sons has apologized on Twitter after members of the band asked him to leave. His crime? Endorsing a book by conservative journalist and author, Andy Ngo. Winston Marshall of Mumford & Sons sparked outrage on Sunday when he tweeted in...

Virtue-Signaling Brand Unilever to Remove Word ‘Normal’ from Its Beauty Products

The maker of Dove soap and other beauty products said it plans to drop the word normal from its advertising in order to push a "more inclusive definition of beauty." Translation: A global mega-corporation that has long used niche marketing to promote unrealistic standards of beauty tooted its own horn...

MURDOCK: Biden’s Bungling of Border Security a Blatant Political Ploy

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Whether one calls it a crisis or a challenge, the U.S.--Mexico border has become a man-made disaster hand-crafted by President Joe Biden. Candidate Biden promised illegal aliens the red-carpet treatment, amnesty and citizenship. Message: Received. The Customs and Border Protection’s encounters with single adults on the southern...

Judge Reinstates 3rd-Degree Murder Charge for Derek Chauvin in Floyd Death

(Headline USA) A judge on Thursday granted prosecutors’ request to add a third-degree murder charge against a former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd’s death, a move that offers jurors an additional option for conviction and finally resolves an issue that might have delayed his trial for months. Hennepin County...
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