Friday, October 18, 2024


Enviros Sue Oil-Rich Calif. County That Wants to Defy State Restrictions on Drilling

(Headline USA) Environmental and community groups have sued a California county after the prime oil-drilling region approved a plan to fast-track thousands of new wells in a state that's positioned itself as a leader in combating so-called "climate change." The Kern County Board of Supervisors on Monday approved a revised ordinance...

Joe Biden Refuses to Call on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign

(Associated Press) President Joe Biden on Sunday passed up an opportunity to join other Democrats calling for the resignation of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is under investigation after multiple allegations of sexual harassment. Asked by a reporter if Cuomo should resign, Biden responded, "I think the investigation is...

Police Officer Injures & Arrests Woman for Refusing to Wear a Mask at Texas Bank

(Headline USA) A police officer harassed, injured, and arrested a woman who refused to wear a mask at a Texas bank. Police have issued a warrant for the arrest of Terry Wright, 65, of Grants Pass, Oregon. The incident on Thursday at a Bank of America in Galveston was captured by...

Biden Administration Calls FEMA to Manage Detained Children at Southern Border

(Headline USA) The Biden administration is turning to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for help managing and caring for record numbers of illegal aliens streaming into the United States from Mexico. FEMA will support a government-wide effort over the next three months to safely receive, shelter and transfer minor children...

Fauci Says Trump Needs to Encourage COVID Vaccine…After Trump’s Program Created It

(Headline USA) Anthony Fauci said Sunday he wishes former President Donald Trump would use his popularity among Republicans to persuade more of them to get the coronavirus vaccine, which Trump's Warp Speed project created. In a round of interviews on the morning news shows, the government's top infectious disease expert...

Andrew Cuomo’s Vaccine Czar Called Democratic County Executives to Gauge Loyalty

(Headline USA) A adviser to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo leading the state's coronavirus vaccine rollout has been calling county executives to gauge their loyalty to the Democratic governor amid a sexual harassment investigation. One anonymous Democratic county executive was reportedly so disturbed by the call from vaccine "czar" Larry...

Amazon Tells Sens. It Will Keep Censoring Books That Question Transgenderism

Amazon said it is the company's established policy to censor books that describe people who call themselves LBGTQ as mentally ill, Breitbart reported. The world's largest book retailer said it has "chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness." But Amazon denied accusations that political bias affected its...

Sen. Ron Johnson Criticized for ‘Racist’ Comment About Jan. 6 Capitol Chaos

(Headline USA) Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson is being called racist for an interview in which the Republican said he wasn't worried about the supporters of President Donald Trump at the Capitol, but that he might have been if they had been Black Lives Matter allies. In an interview Thursday with...

Some Republicans Join Democrats in Push to Revive Earmarks

(Headline USA) Democrats are pushing to revive earmarks, the much-maligned practice where lawmakers direct federal spending to a specific project or institution back home. Earmarking was linked to corruption in the 2000s, leading to an outcry and their banishment in both the House and Senate. But many in Congress say the...

Republican States Quickly Passing Pro-Life Laws with Eyes on Roe

Lawmakers in Republican-governed states are considering an array of strong pro-life protections they hope might reach the Supreme Court and win approval from Republican-appointed majority, overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that established a nationwide right to kill unborn babies. A sweeping ban already has been signed into law...

With Tyrannical COVID Restrictions, California Fared No Better than Free Florida

(Headline USA) Nearly a year after California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the nation's first statewide shutdown because of the coronavirus, masks remain mandated, indoor dining and other activities are significantly limited, and Disneyland remains closed. By contrast, Florida has no statewide restrictions. Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has prohibited municipalities from...

Cuomo’s Support Collapses; NY Sens. Call for Resignation as SEVENTH Victim Emerges

A seventh woman came forward with sexual-harrassment claims against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday as top Democrats---who normally circle the wagon to protect their own---continued to withdraw their support. "Andrew Cuomo’s hands had been on my body," former New York political reporter Jessica Bakeman wrote in a column...
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