Friday, October 18, 2024


9TH CIRCUIT: School District Can Ban Football Coach from Publicly Praying

A high school football coach who was fired for praying after his games just lost a major battle at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Former Washington State football coach Joe Kennedy was fired from his job in 2015 by Bremerton School District after defying the district's orders that he...

BLM-Backing Starbucks Won’t Say How Much Riots Have Cost Company

Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson refused to reveal during the company's annual shareholder meeting how much money it had lost due to ongoing riots led by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in cities such as Portland and Seattle. Davis Soderberg, an associate with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free...

Bernie-Loving Columnist ‘Impressed’ by Biden’s Radically Progressive Policies

A New York-based columnist for the Guardian swooned over how much President Joe Biden's policies have "impressed" her after having backed Bernie Sanders's rival campaign for the Democratic nomination. Arwa Mahdawi published a column on Tuesday titled "Maybe I was wrong about Joe Biden---is he actually the progressive president I...

Soros-Backed Philly DA Cut Plea Deals for Violent Clients of His Campaign Donors

Philadelphia district attorney Larry Krasner went easy on two cop-murdering criminals who were represented by criminal defense lawyers who donated to Krasner’s 2017 campaign, The Washington Free Beacon reported yesterday. The Philadelphia DA teamed up with criminal defense lawyers Michael Coard and Daniel Stevenson, who donated to his campaign, to secure...

Durbin Admits to Lying About Illegals Getting COVID Checks; Supports It Anyway

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., a notorious flip-flopper, pulled another fast one after having denied previously that illegal immigrants would receive payments as part of the recently passed stimulus package. As both the Senate majority whip and chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Durbin is currently one of the most powerful...

JOHN KERRY: Maskless Photo is ‘Malarkey;’ Airline is ‘Looking Into’ Violation

John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s special envoy on climate change, decried a photo of him maskless on a recent flight as “malarkey” and claimed he only took his mask off briefly. The picture shows Kerry reading a book -- not eating or drinking, which is when customers are allowed to...

Controversial HHS Sec. Becerra Confirmed after RINO Sen. Collins Breaks Rank

(Headline USA) California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, the controversial choice to become President Joe Biden's health secretary, was confirmed by a 50-49 vote Thursday after Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, split with the GOP opposition to support him. "There are, unfortunately, numerous nominees in the Biden administration who are either extreme...

Biden Admin Blocks Journalists from Border Facilities Despite ‘Transparency’ Promise

The Biden administration claimed it is “committed to transparency” down at the southern border but refuses to let more than a few select journalists near the detention facilities for unaccompanied migrant children. The border crisis continues to worsen as hundreds of immigrants flood the border in anticipation of the president’s...

‘Gun to the Head’: Republicans Stand Up To Biden Stimulus Package

Nearly two dozen Republican attorneys general are fighting back against the recently passed COVID-19 stimulus bill, saying it violates the Constitution and takes power away from the states. At issue is a stealthy addendum to the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that prevents states from lowering taxes if they accept...

Courts Finally Admit Election Irregularities after Stonewalling Trump

At least four key battleground states---and one former red state flipped blue by egregious vote fraud---have delivered court rulings that vindicated former president Donald Trump's complaints about widespread irregularities undermining the 2020 election outcome. Just the News's John Solomon reported that several state courts have now declared illegal the last-minute...

DeSantis Unveils Civics Curriculum That Will Exclude Critical Race Theory

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis unveiled a new curriculum proposal on Wednesday that would prioritize civics and “expressly exclude” critical race theory. “A high-quality education begins with a high-quality curriculum, which is why we’re going to be laser-focused on developing the best possible civics instruction standards,” DeSantis said at a press...

Libs Urge Breyer to Retire from Supreme Court; Fear Loss of Another Seat

(Headline USA) Forgive progressives who aren't looking forward to the sequel of their personal “Nightmare on First Street," a Supreme Court succession story. The original followed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's decision to forgo retirement from the high court, located on First Street in Washington, when Democrats controlled the White House and...
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