Sunday, September 29, 2024


Did Mr. & Mrs. Mitch McConnell Rip Trump to Thank Justice Dept. for Looking the Other Way?

The quiet dismissal of an ethics probe into former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao fueled speculation Wednesday of a deep-state quid-pro-quo arrangement between some of the Trump administration's greatest traitors. money quote comes at the very last paragraph - "Chao resigned on Jan. 11, days after a mob of then-President Trump’s...

‘Absolutely’: Ga. Gov. Kemp Would Support Trump If He Wins GOP Nomination in 2024

Despite their recent differences, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said he would “absolutely” support former President Donald Trump if he became the GOP’s nominee in 2024. “As I said, again, I worked very hard for the president," Kemp told Fox News on Wednesday. "I think his ideas ... will be part...

Supreme Court Makes It Harder for Convicted Illegals to Avoid Deportation

(Associated Press) The Supreme Court on Thursday made it harder for longtime immigrants who have been convicted of a crime to avoid deportation. Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the opinion for a 5-3 conservative majority that ruled against a Mexican citizen who entered the U.S. illegally and has lived in the country...

Texas, Mississippi Slam Biden’s Claim That Lifting Lockdowns is ‘Neanderthal Thinking’

Texas and Mississippi hit back at President Joe Biden after he called them “neanderthals” for lifting all coronavirus restrictions. President Biden said allowing Mississippians to decide how to protect themselves is “neanderthal thinking.” Mississippians don’t need handlers. As numbers drop, they can assess their choices and listen to experts. I guess...

GOP State Lawmakers Seek to Nullify Biden’s Expected Gun Grab

(Headline USA) With Democrats controlling the presidency and Congress, Republican state lawmakers concerned about the possibility of new federal gun control laws aren't waiting to react. Legislation in at least a dozen states seeks to nullify any new restrictions, such as ammunition limits or a ban on certain types of weapons....

Tenn. Bill Makes Obstructing Highways a Felony; Drivers Who Hit Protesters Would Be Held Harmless

A new bill in the Tennessee General Assembly would make obstructing a highway a felony. The legislation would also provide immunity to drivers who accidentally injure or kill a pedestrian blocking a highway. The House Criminal Justice Committee recommended passage for HB 513 on Wednesday. Under the new law, if a driver...

REPORT: Abortion-Derived Cell Lines Used in Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

The Charlotte Lozier Institute , the research arm of the Susan B. Anthony List, has issued a statement regarding abortion-derived cell lines used in the new Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine. The CLI’s statement said, “For many Americans, the approval of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine raises renewed questions about the...

Woke Educators Declare Objective Math a Form of ‘White Supremacy’

(Kerry McDonald, Foundation for Economic Education) Mandatory teaching standards that focus on critical theory and identity politics to the detriment of liberalism and individualism are already working their way through state legislatures. Now, math education itself has been deemed “racist.” A group of educators just released a document calling for a...

House Passes Elections-Rigging Bill to Keep Dems in Power Perpetually

(Headline USA) House Democrats passed sweeping voting legislation over unanimous Republican opposition, advancing to the Senate what would be the largest overhaul of the U.S. election law in at least a generation. House Resolution 1, which touches on virtually every aspect of the electoral process, was approved Wednesday night on a...

Dem-Led House Passes Bill that Neuters Police in Name of ‘Reform’

(Headline USA) House Democrats hustled to pass the most ambitious effort in decades to overhaul policing nationwide, able to avoid clashing with moderates in their own party who are wary of reigniting a debate they say hurt them during last fall's election. The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act was approved...

Oregon Moves to Outlaw Display of Nooses

(Headline USA) After becoming the first state to legalize hard narcotics last year, Oregon looked to reverse its libertarian streak with a blow to the First Amendment, becoming the latest on a list of mostly blue states to ban the display nooses. The move followed an episode last month in...

Top GOP Sen. on Environmental Committee Calls Out EPA Nominees’ Bigotry

The ranking minority member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee grilled the nominees for two top environmental posts over insulting West Virginia stereotypes. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., said that Brenda Mallory (nominated to be chair of the Council on Environmental Quality) and Janet McCabe (nominated to be deputy...
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