Friday, September 27, 2024


China’s ‘Useful Idiots’ at WHO Say COVID Came from Animals, Not Wuhan Lab

The World Health Organization is facing bipartisan criticism for its COVID-19 origins report that suggested the virus came from an animal rather than the Wuhan lab in China. A leaked draft of the joint report from the WHO and China states it is “extremely unlikely” that the coronavirus escaped from...

Trump Plans to Visit Southern Border Soon Since Biden Won’t

Former president Donald Trump said he’ll likely travel to the southern border soon, where a massive influx of immigrants is straining capacity and creating a humanitarian crisis. "Well, a lot of people want me to,” Trump told Fox News this weekend when asked if he’s planning a trip to the...

White House Confirms Biden Looking to Sign Executive Orders on Gun Control

The White House confirmed on Friday that President Joe Biden plans to sign executive orders on gun control. During a press conference last week, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked if Americans should expect the president to roll out new gun control measures soon. Psaki responded: “Yes,” adding there...

Crime-Ridden Baltimore To Stop Prosecuting Prostitution, Drug Offenses

Baltimore state’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced on Friday that the city will no longer prosecute prostitution, drug possession, minor traffic offenses, and other so-called “quality of life” crimes, even though the city has one of the worst crime rates in the country. The policy was originally introduced as a way to...

‘Science’ Flip-Flopper Fauci Says Kids Must Wear Masks While Playing Together

Dr. Anthony Fauci warned parents on Sunday not to allow their children to play together without wearing masks, despite recent studies that confirm children rarely spread the coronavirus. “The children can clearly wind up getting infected,” Fauci, who is now serving as President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, told CBS...

REPORT: Biden Admin Working to Create COVID Vaccine Passport

The Joe Biden administration is reportedly working with travel and technology companies to create a coronavirus vaccine passport that some businesses might start to require. An administration official told CNN that multiple agencies are working to develop health credentials that Americans would use as proof of vaccination. Several industries considering requiring...

Biden Admin STILL Keeping Media Out of Child Migrant Detention Centers

(Headline USA) White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to provide a specific date for when the media will get access to Border Patrol facilities temporarily holding thousands of migrant children seeking to live in the United States, but said Sunday --- without evidence --- that the Biden administration was...

Murkowski Gets Her First Republican Primary Opponent

(Associated Press) An early Republican candidate announced plans Monday to seek the Alaska U.S. Senate seat that has been held since 2002 by Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Kelly Tshibaka, who has led the sprawling Alaska Department of Administration since early 2019, in a statement said she is running "for the Alaskans...

Black Congressman Offended Biden Said GOP’s Filibuster Fight Worse than Jim Crow

Black Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fl., on Friday accused President Joe Biden of "irresponsibly injecting race" into the conversation about voting reform and the elimination of the filibuster, Fox News reported. In a press release, Donalds showed the hypocrisy at the core of Biden's opposition to the filibuster. "In 2005, then Sen....

D.C. Judge Overturns Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Religious Restrictions

A federal judge ruled on Thursday that Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser's restrictions on church attendance "discriminate against houses of worship," Liberty Counsel reported. Judge Trevor McFadden, who President Donald Trump nominated to the District Court for the District of Columbia, said that the federal capital's 25 percent capacity or...

6th Circuit Sides With Christian Professor Who Refused to Use Transgender Pronouns

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that Shawnee State University violated the First Amendment rights of a professor when it punished him for refusing to call a male student by feminine pronouns, Alliance Defending Freedom reported. Shawnee State University charged Dr. Nicholas Meriwether, a philosophy professor, with...

Thom Tillis’s Pollster Says He Would Have Lost Senate Seat w/out Dem Opponent’s Affair

The pollster for Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., said that Democratic Senate candidate Cal Cunningham would have won North Carolina's 2020 race if he had not been caught cheating on his wife, The Washington Examiner reported. "Lots of politicians have had affairs," said Glen Bolger, a top Republican pollster who advised...
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