Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Reagan Opponent, Fmr. VP Walter Mondale Dies at 93

(Headline USA) Former Vice President Walter F. Mondale, a liberal icon who lost his shot at the White House to President Ronald Reagan in one of the largest landslides in modern history, died Monday at 93. Mondale, who had been vice president during the Carter administration, continued to misread the...

Medical Examiner: Sicknick Died of Natural Causes on Jan. 6

The medical examiner's office in Washington, DC, on Thursday revealed that Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick died of "natural causes," debunking yet another false narrative promoted by Democrats. Sicknick's cause of death was confirmed to have been a stroke, as had been reported for several weeks in conservative media. Initially, the...

Trump ‘Beyond Seriously’ Considering 2024 Presidential Run

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump gave renewed hope to his supporters late Monday, saying he was "beyond seriously" considering a run for president in 2024. Trump made the comments during an appearance on Fox News, his first on-camera interview since leaving the White House. The interview covered a range of...

Biden: U.S. Will No Longer Use the Term ‘Illegal Aliens’

(Headline USA) Employees of the two main U.S. immigration enforcement agencies were directed Monday to stop referring to migrants coming into the country as "illegal aliens." Memos issued by Customs and Border Protection, as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement, tells employees to use the words "non-citizen" or "migrant." Instead of...

Death Row Inmate Requests Firing Squad

(Associated Press) A convicted killer who is fighting a possible June execution date that would make him the first person put to death in Nevada in 15 years is calling for the state to consider the firing squad as an option, a rare method in the United States. Attorneys for...

Judge Says Maxine Waters’ Comments Could ‘Overturn’ Chauvin Verdict

Editor's Note: Read more on the fallout from Maxine Waters's incitement scandal here. (Associated Press) The judge overseeing the trial of a former Minneapolis police officer in the death of George Floyd on Monday called recent comments by U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters "abhorrent," saying they could lead to a verdict...

Apple Caves, Lets Parler Back into the App Store

(Headline USA) Apple said it has reached an agreement with the conservative social media app Parler that could lead to its reinstatement in the company's app store. Apple, however, will still censor some content on Parler's app. Parler began as a conservative social media alternative after growing censorship and liberal...

REPORT: Biden Admin to Release 400 Migrant Families Into U.S. Every Day

The Biden administration plans to release 400 migrant families into the country every day by mid-June as the surge of immigrants continues to overwhelm border detention facilities. Earlier this year when the border crisis first began, officials were releasing 50 families into the country. By March, that number rose to...

George W. Bush Resurfaces to Pitch for Amnesty for Illegals

Former president George W. Bush called for widespread amnesty for the millions of illegal immigrants brought into the country as children. “Americans who favor a path to citizenship for those brought here as children, known as ‘Dreamers,’ are not advocating for open borders,” he wrote in an op-ed for the...

DeSantis: Florida Sued Biden for ‘Reckless Policy’ of Releasing Violent Aliens

Gov. Ron DeSantis said Florida sued President Joe Biden's administration so that it would be forced to "actually follow the law" and "the Constitution" and cease its "reckless policy" of releasing criminal illegal aliens, the Washington Examiner reported. "Normally, when we'd have a criminal alien, convicted of a felony, they...

Michigan Set to Make COVID Restrictions Permanent

Michigan is moving to make the state’s emergency coronavirus restrictions permanent. The state’s regulatory agencies extended their COVID-19 restrictions this week amid a surge in positive cases and hospitalizations. However, the restrictions will expire in six months, and then the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration will need to decide...

CNN’s Chris Cuomo: Change Will Only Happen When ‘White Kids Start Getting Killed’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo claimed gun control and criminal justice reform will only happen when “white people’s kids start getting killed.” “Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they’ll change,” he said. “When your kids start getting killed. White people’s kids start getting killed.” Cuomo then attempted to sound...
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