Friday, September 20, 2024


Top Wisc. Republican to Hire Ex-Police Investigators for Probe of 2020 Election

A top Republican state lawmaker in Wisconsin plans to hire three retired police officers and an attorney to investigate vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos announced on Wednesday he would give the investigation a broad mandate that will allow the officers to pursue credible...

USA Today Stealth-Edits Student’s Op-Ed About Transgender Athletes

After publishing an op-ed written by a former female high school athlete, USA Today stealth-edited the piece and apologized for describing transgender athletes as biological males. Chelsea Mitchell, the Connecticut student who wrote the op-ed, blasted her state’s "devastating" policy forcing her to compete against transgender students, which cost her...

Biden’s Energy Sec.: Russia’s Pipeline Carries ‘Dirtiest Natural Gas on Earth’

President Joe Biden has undermined America's natural gas production and transportation, but he lifted sanctions on Russia's state-owned Nord Stream 2, which his own energy secretary said will transport the "dirtiest form of natural gas on Earth" to Germany. At a hearing on Thursday, Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., questioned Energy...

Rand Paul Has Won Every Single Round Against Fauci

(Hannah Cox, Foundation for Economic Education) With most sporting events canceled for much of the past year, audiences have tuned into a new kind of sparring to fill the void: political debates. And two opponents have quickly risen to the top of their weight classes—Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony...

Biden Admin Still Concealing Crisis in Border Facilities; Denies Access to GOP Lawmakers

The Biden administration on Tuesday denied a dozen Republican lawmakers access to a Texas border facility run by the Drug Enforcement Administration. The delegation of 12 GOP congressmen was physically restricted from entering the El Paso Intelligence Center during their visit to the southern border, Fox News reported. For weeks,...

Biden’s ATF Pick Would Ban ‘Every Single Modern Sporting Rifle in America Today’

President Joe Biden’s pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and Explosives confirmed he is a radical gun-control advocate this week during his Senate confirmation hearing. When pressed by Republican senators, David Chipman, a longtime gun-control lobbyist, admitted he supports a ban on so-called assault-style weapons. Chipman even...

Biden in Damage Control After Shutting Down Pompeo’s COVID Origins Investigation

President Joe Biden is scrambling to launch another investigation into the origins of the Chinese coronavirus after it was confirmed this week that he shut down a similar Trump State Department probe. Biden announced on Wednesday that he has asked the intelligence community to send him a report on the...

WATCH: ‘Woke’ Bank CEOs Silenced; Can’t Explain Objections to Ga. Election Law

Two "woke" big bank CEOs sat silently, and another read a scripted response, on Wednesday when Sen. Tim Scott, R-SC, asked them to explain their opposition to Georgia's election integrity law during a hearing before the Senate Banking Committee, Fox Business reported. Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan, Citibank CEO...

‘Defund Police’ Candidate Won’t Press Charges Against Thieves Because They Suffer ‘Generational Poverty’

Atlanta City Councilman Antonio Brown said he will not file charges against four kids who stole his Mercedes-Benz because they have experienced "generational poverty," Fox News reported. Brown has enthusiastically supported the Defund the Police movement, contributing to it in his official capacity by voting last year to reduce the...

Facebook Stops Censoring COVID-Wuhan ‘Theory’ as Fauci’s Reputation Crumbles

Doubters of the coronavirus narrative who stuck with Facebook during months of purges and conservative content-suppression may finally be rewarded for their tenacity. The woke social-media platform became the latest domino to fall amid a growing acceptance that last year's COVID-19 pandemic likely originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Facebook...

Crime-Ridden Blue Cities Scramble to Re-Fund the Police

Democrat-led cities including New York, Baltimore, Oakland and Los Angeles are backpedaling on their pledges to re-imagine, defund or abolish police departments. It comes amid growing waves of violent crime that often compound the suffering of already oppressed left-wing constituencies, the Wall Street Journal reported. So-called sanctuary cities have now proposed...

Syndicator Announces Replacements for Rush Limbaugh’s Program

(Headline USA) Apparently it will take two hosts to replace conservative radio talk legend Rush Limbaugh, who died in February from lung cancer. According to a Wall Street Journal report, popular podcasters Clay Travis and Buck Sexton will co-host a program in the time slot former occupied by Limbaugh's show,...
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