Thursday, September 19, 2024


Chinese City Locks Down Neighborhood After Virus Upsurge

(Associated Press) The southern Chinese city of Guangzhou shut down a neighborhood and ordered its residents to stay home Saturday for door-to-door coronavirus testing following an upsurge in infections that has rattled authorities. Guangzhou, a business and industrial center of 15 million people north of Hong Kong, has reported 20...

Texas Border Agents Report 3,166% Increase in Sex Offenders Crossing Illegally

Border officials reported a spike in arrests of convicted sex offenders crossing the border illegally. Since the beginning of fiscal year 2021, Texas Border Patrol agents in Del Rio have arrested 95 illegal immigrants previously found guilty of sex crimes, which is a 3,166% increase compared to last year’s numbers. In...

Army Vet Loses Coaching Job over Anti-Lockdown Comments on Facebook

A former Army specialist said a school district rescinded a job offer to coach because he was critical of coronavirus restrictions in several social-media posts. George Kemper told Fox News that, after leaving the military last year, he had been offered a job with his alma mater, Loyola Academy. In...

MURDOCK: Did Biden Collude w/ Putin to Inflict Pain at US Gas-Pumps?

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Is Joe Biden a Russian asset? After reading this tale of three pipelines, that unhappy ending will be hard to avoid. • First, on Jan. 20, Biden’s first afternoon as president, he ditched the Trump-approved Keystone XL pipeline. Some 11,000 high-paying jobs, many unionized, vanished. While these suddenly...

Appeals Court Imposes Injunction on SBA Over Discrimination Against White Males

(Jon Styf, The Center Square) A federal appeals court ruled in favor of a Tennessee bar and restaurant owner, granting an injunction against the U.S. Small Business Administration from prioritizing COVID-19 relief funds based upon the restaurant owner’s race and sex. Two of the three judges on the panel agreed with...

Biden’s $6 Trillion Budget Plans to Continue Spending Spree, Soak the Rich

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden's $6 trillion budget proposal promises politically freighted tax increases on the wealthy and corporations and would give domestic Cabinet departments significantly bigger budget increases than the Pentagon. But like all presidential budget plans, Biden's proposal needs the approval of lawmakers, who can change the allotments...

Maryland’s Largest School District Spent $454K to Promote Woke, Anti-MAGA Indoctrination

Maryland’s largest school district taught students that Republican phrases such as “Make America Great Again” were examples of white supremacy, according to documents obtained by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch. Montgomery County Public Schools Spent $454,000 on ‘Anti-racist System Audit.’ Students taught that ‘Make America Great Again’ is ‘Covert White Supremacy.’...

STUDY: China Deploys Army of Fake Twitter-Bots to Boost Propaganda

(Associated Press) China’s ruling Communist Party has opened a new front in its long, ambitious war to shape global public opinion: Western social media. Liu Xiaoming, who recently stepped down as China’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, is one of the party’s most successful foot soldiers on this evolving online...

Va. Teacher Forced Off Job Because He Considers Transgender Pronouns ‘Child Abuse’

A Virginia elementary-school teacher was placed on administrative lead after he refused to comply with the far-left school district’s pro-transgender ideology. Byron “Tanner” Cross, a physical education teacher in Loudoun County, challenged the school district’s transgender policies during a school board meeting on Tuesday, likening them to “child abuse.” "My name...

Legislation Calls for End to BLM Flags Flying at US Embassies

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-NY, on Friday introduced the Star and Stripes Act of 2021, a bill that would reverse the State Department's guidance encouraging consulates and embassies to fly Black Lives Matter flags. In two pages, the legislation states that diplomatic posts may fly the following: the American flag, state...

Illegal Alien GUILTY in 2018 Stabbing Death of Mollie Tibbetts in Iowa

(Headline USA) A jury found an illegal alien farm laborer guilty of murder Friday in the abduction and killing of a University of Iowa student who vanished while out for a run in 2018. The 12-member jury unanimously found Cristhian Bahena Rivera guilty of first-degree murder in the stabbing death of...

Senate Republicans Block Politicized Jan. 6 Commission on Siege at Capitol

(Headline USA) Senate Republicans on Friday blocked creation of a panel to study the Jan. 6 siege on the Capitol, turning aside a politicized spectacle wanted by Democrat leaders in the guise of an "independent investigation." The so-called Jan. 6 commission is designed by Democrat leaders to serve as a form...
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