Friday, October 18, 2024


EMAILS: Birx & Fauci Whined About Having to Deal w/ Science Adviser Scott Atlas

Newly revealed emails show the conflicting advice given to President Donald Trump last year while the country struggled with the coronavirus pandemic, according to BuzzFeed News. The emails, obtained by Charles Seife, a New York University journalism professor, are from two of Trump’s top COVID advisors, Drs. Anthony Fauci and...

Parental Backlash Forces Calif. to Back Off Mask Mandates for Students This Fall

California officials were forced to backtrack after saying they planned to require all children returning to school in the fall to wear masks, regardless of their coronavirus vaccination status. The California Department of Public Health released the guidance earlier this week, saying public schools throughout the state would be required...

Arizona Senate President: Audit Totals Do Not Match Maricopa’s Results

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said the audit of the 2020 presidential election in Maricopa County found a discrepancy in the vote totals submitted by county officials. “They haven’t released a number yet,” Fann said during a radio interview when asked how big of a discrepancy the audit discovered. “However,...

Romney Got ‘Pit’ in His Stomach When He Thought Trump Would Win in Nov.

In an upcoming book, Republican Senator Mitt Romney of Utah admitted that President Donald Trump’s strong showing in battleground states led him to believe that Trump would win reelection in November, according to an account by Business Insider. "I think he's going to win," Romney is quoted in the book...

Fired Health Official Blames Republicans after Plan to Secretly Vax Teens Backfires

(Headline USA) As if encouraging young children to embrace gender dysphoria and anti-American Critical Race Theory were not enough, leftist officials are now plotting ways to alter their genetic material without parents' knowledge or consent. Tennessee's Department of Health recently fired one such bureaucrat, Michelle Fiscus, who was the medical...

Fed. Appeals Court: Dealers Can Sell Handguns to 18-Year-Olds

(Associated Press) A federal law that for more than 50 years has banned licensed firearms dealers from selling handguns to young adults between age 18 and 21 is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday. In a 2-1 opinion, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond overturned a lower...

Wholesale Inflation over Past Year Jumps by Record Amount

(Headline USA) Inflation at the wholesale level jumped 1% in June, pushing price gains over the past 12 months up by a record 7.3%. The Labor Department reported Wednesday that the June increase in its producer price index, which measures inflation pressures before they reach consumers, followed a gain of 0.8%...

CDC to Formally Lift Unenforced Pandemic Limits on Asylum-Seekers

(Headline USA) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will issue an order this week about how migrant children are treated under a public health order that has prevented people from seeking asylum at the nation's borders, a Justice Department attorney said Tuesday. The comment by Assistant U.S. Attorney...

Biden Whines about Election ‘Scrutiny,’ ‘High Standards’ in Unhinged Philly Rant

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden invoked Nazis and Confederates while insisting Tuesday that Democrat efforts to block state-led voting reforms were an urgent national "test of our time.” After the suspicious circumstances of Biden's own election, several GOP-led state legislatures were spurred to pursue audits and try to close loopholes...

Dems Plot to Slip Amnesty for 6M+ Illegals into Budget Bill w/o GOP Support

(Headline USA) Congressional Democrats and open-borders immigration activists are staring at their best chance in years to overcome opposition from immigration-law advocates and give millions of people in the U.S. without legal authorization a way to become voting-eligible citizens. Their goal is to stuff the language into a huge measure...

Biden Taps RINO Turncoat for Turkey Ambassador

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden on Tuesday nominated former Sen. Jeff Flake, a squishy ex-Republican lawmaker who endorsed his 2020 run for the White House, to serve as U.S. ambassador to Turkey. Flake served in the U.S. Senate from Arizona from 2013 to 2019 and in the U.S. House from...

Chicago PD Braces for Record Retirements; Gang Members Outnumber Police 10-1

Police in Chicago are retiring at a record rate as violent crime spikes throughout the city, Fox News reported. The number of retirements this year already has surpassed total retirements in 2018, and it will likely continue to rise. According to the Chicago Sun--Times, 363 Police officers have retired from the...
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