Friday, October 18, 2024


Newsom’s Threatened Recall Partly Due to $30B in Benefits That Went to Criminals

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) California has hired former federal prosecutor McGregor Scott as special counsel to investigate the largest unemployment fraud in the state's history. During the state’s shutdown last year mandated by Gov. Gavin Newsom, the California Employment Development Department paid out more than $11 billion worth of fraudulent...

Amazon Pitches New Scheme to Gain Keyless Entry into Apartment Buildings

(Headline USA) As Amazon's erstwhile CEO, Jeff Bezos, bows out of operations to pursue his dreams of penetrating the great unknown, the creepy tech company has its sights set closer to home. The online shopping giant is pushing landlords around the country---sometimes with financial incentives---to give its drivers the ability...

New COVID Panic Threatens to Derail Tokyo’s Rescheduled Olympics

(Headline USA) The overabundance of woke, anti-American virtue-signaling among American athletes has already spurred talk of boycotts among many patriotic would-be Olympics viewers in the US. But the games themselves---one of the first major global tests as to whether the world is able to move past last year's pandemic hysteria---have...

AP’s ‘Fact Checkers’ Perform Random Act of Journalism on Biden’s Egregious Vax Claims

(Headline USA) Many fact-checking outlets have become little more than the censorship arms of social-media companies---which, in turn, serve the Democratic machine. But at a CNN town-hall with moderator Don Lemon on Wednesday, President Joe Biden's claims were so egregiously false that even leftist media fact-checkers at the Associated Press...

GOP Reps. Plan Impeachment Against Radical ATF Nominee (If Confirmed)

A group of House Republicans have introduced a resolution to impeach David Chipman, who was nominated to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, just in case he is confirmed by the Senate. The effort, led by Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., is meant to show moderate senators, including...

Mississippi AG Makes Case for Overturning Roe v. Wade

The U.S. Supreme Court should overturn its controversial 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide and should let states decide whether to regulate abortion before a fetus can survive outside the womb, the office of Mississippi's Republican attorney general argued in papers filed with the high court on Thursday. “Under the...

Minneapolis City Council Advances Plan to Replace Police Despite Crime Spike

(Scott McClallen, The Center Square) Record violent crime didn’t stop a Minneapolis City Council panel from advancing a plan to give voters the power to replace the city police department. This year, a new political committee called Yes 4 Minneapolis gathered petition signatures to place a question on the ballot whether...

PELOSI: Won’t Let Rejected Republicans’ ‘Antics’ Get in Way of Jan. 6th Commission Agenda

(Headline USA) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says a committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol siege “will do the job it set out to do” despite Republicans’ vow to boycott the probe. House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy said on Wednesday that Republicans won’t participate after Pelosi rejected two of the Republicans he...

Hunter Biden to Meet w/ Prospective Art Buyers Despite Ethics Concerns

Despite the ethics concerns raised by Hunter Biden’s new painting "career," the son of President Joe Biden still plans to meet with prospective buyers of his works at two upcoming shows. This despite a plan concocted by Hunter's art dealer and the White House to allegedly cloak his potential buyers in anonymity,...

Leftist Media Try to Rehab Kamala’s Phony Cackle

As damaging coverage of Vice President Kamala Harris begins to flood in---and even Democrats question whether she is the best fit in the line of presidential succession---the Los Angeles Times sought to rehab the beleaguered San Francisco radical by rushing to defend her laugh. “She’s just a person who tries...

Biden Admin to Pay Welfare to 1000s of Deported Illegals That He Invited Back

In the middle of a resurgent pandemic, not only is the far-left Biden administration determined to undo all effective measures of border security, but it expects US taxpayers to bear the burden for supporting previously expelled illegal immigrants after inviting them back into the country. The Democrat-run Department of Homeland...

Newsom Invites Nation’s Homeless to Move to California

California Gov. Gavin Newsom invited homeless people across the country to move to his state even though California already struggles to care for what has become the nation’s largest homeless population. Facing a recall election, Newsom held a press conference on Monday pledging to spend $12 billion to combat homelessness...
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