Saturday, October 5, 2024


Police Officers & First Responders Resisting COVID Vaccine & Local Mandates

(Headline USA) Police officers and other first responders are among those most hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine and they are resisting vaccine mandates. No national statistics show the vaccination rate for America's entire population of first responders but individual police and fire departments across the country report figures far...

Justice Department Will ‘Protect’ Texas Abortionists That Come ‘Under Attack’

(Headline USA) The Justice Department said Monday that it will not tolerate violence against anyone who is trying to obtain an abortion in Texas as federal officials explore options to challenge a new state law that bans most abortions. Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department would "protect those...

Virginia to Remove 21-ft. Robert E. Lee Statue on Wednesday

(Headline USA) A towering statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia, is set to come down on Wednesday, more than 130 years after it was built as a tribute to a Civil War hero. Lee is now widely seen as a symbol of racial injustice, state officials...

Top Republican Says Taliban Holding Americans Hostage

(Associated Press) The top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee says some Americans who have been trying to get out of Afghanistan since the U.S. military left are sitting in airplanes at an airport ready to leave but the Taliban are not letting them take off. Rep. Michael McCaul of...

Uber, Lyft to Cover Penalties for Drivers Sued Under Texas Anti-Abortion Law

(Associated Press) Ride-hailing companies Uber and Lyft said Friday they will cover the legal fees of any driver who is sued under the new law prohibiting most abortions in Texas. The Texas law bans abortions once medical professionals can detect cardiac activity, usually around six weeks and often before women know...

Feds Say California Too Expensive to Welcome Afghan Refugees

(Cole Lauterbach, The Center Square) Afghan refugees looking to resettle in the U.S. are being discouraged from picking California as a destination, despite the state having significant Afghan population centers. In the days after the U.S. announced it would resettle refugees fleeing a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, governors across the country...

Federal Court Rules Against Catholic School That Fired Gay Teacher

(Associated Press) A gay substitute teacher was wrongfully fired by a Roman Catholic school in North Carolina after he announced in 2014 on social media that he was going to marry his longtime partner, a federal judge has ruled. U.S. District Judge Max Cogburn ruled Friday that Charlotte Catholic High...

Automation Booms After COVID Lockdowns & Liberal Unemployment Benefits

(Headline USA) Ask for a roast beef sandwich at an Arby's drive-thru east of Los Angeles and you may be talking to Tori — an artificially intelligent voice assistant that will take your order and send it to the line cooks. "It doesn't call sick," says Amir Siddiqi, whose family...

Computer Chip Shortage to Keep Vehicles Prices at Record Highs Until 2023

(Headline USA) Back in the spring, a shortage of computer chips that had sent auto prices soaring appeared, finally, to be easing. Some relief for car buyers seemed to be in sight. That hope has now dimmed. Asian countries that are the main producers of auto-grade chips have not been...

Lazy Leftists Lament Expiration of Ultra-Generous Unemployment Benefits

(Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education) Should unemployment welfare pay more than your typical job? Those familiar with the basic economics of how incentives work would say no. So would anyone with moral objections to taking wealth from others to finance others’ idleness. But with the federal supplement to unemployment benefits...

Grassroots Conservatism Finds New Energy in Classroom Culture-War Clashes

(Headline USA) A loose network of conservative groups with ties to major Republican donors and party-aligned think tanks is quietly lending firepower to local activists engaged in anti-indoctrination fights in schools across the country. While they are drawn by the anger of parents opposed to school policies on racial history...

Pete Buttigieg and His ‘Husband’ Say They are Now Parents

(Headline USA) Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his "husband," Chasten, celebrated the arrival of not one — but two — bundles of joy. The first gay person to be confirmed by the Senate for a Cabinet position had shared last month that the couple had become parents after seeking to adopt. "We can’t...
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